Currently, the wii is an absolute joke, I preordered my wii 1st day it was possible (skipped school to make sure I got one), and haven't played it hardly at all. I have 4 games for it, of which I have only beaten 1 because of framerate issues with cod3, extreme bordom/monotony with zelda, and poor level design with rayman, During this same time, I have bought close to 30 pc games probably, such as GRID, Crysis, Neverwinter Nights 2, Fallout 3, COD4, Brothers in Arms: HH, Company of Heroes, Mount and Blade, L4D, Empire: Total War, Mass Effect etc. I keep getting hits after hits for the pc, have very few problems (much fewer technical problems than I have had on the wii, especially with framerates), the graphics and controls are far superior (mouse/keyboard for shooters, rts, rpg, gamepad for racers) the fact is that the wii's best game is still a launch title, I can count the number of games I would consider buying on 1 hand, and there is only 1 decent looking shooter on the horizon, the conduit(which I fully plan on buying), the reason you haven't heard of any of these games is because most of the good games aren't on the wii because they just can't run because of its pitiful cpu, ram, and gpu. The wii tech is a joke, and until I see some more Fire Emblem, F-Zero, or a good Zelda, it will remain in the off position 2 inches from the monitor I am currently looking at. The Wii simply does not have good games because it cannot handle them, this isn't a graphics vs gameplay issue, it's a power issue, you can keep Mario, Ill have some more Total War
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