How could consoles progress so further in getting graphics to losing their speed that actually helps the gameplay instead they brought all those colours. 30 Frames in this generation is the standard no doubt and it gets even lower sometimes. First in the end of the last generation i actually realized what lags mean and frames. In the 8 bit time every game went on 60 frames constantly except for pal i got only 50 + up and down black lines and a big instruction manual in all languages :( however there was no lag not like nowdays and also no tearing. I never thought about all those things until they appeared in my games. I cant stand consoles 30 frames anymore, its also not healthy to see 30 frames all day. Once i played on PC i didnt want to experience anything else again than 60 and over. Consoles developer should cancel all this HD uselessness and bring games just in standard definition with 60 frames again or they should write how many frames the games run on the box.
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