Why all the talk about Joe Gamer? What about existing 360 owners who may want to move on to xbox1? PS4 looks real good from a hardware point of view, but where is the games? a console first unveiled in march irrc and a single exclusive title at launch, why? Vita was all set to destroy 3ds with its superior specs but we know how that's panned out.
This console war will be close, price will be an issue for Microsoft, I reckon it will drop to £389 in the UK by summer 2014. Lets not forget that only approx £35 difference in the console if you want to buy Fifa, PS4 is £349.99 and £47 for Fifa 14 versus £429 on xbox1 for same package. PS4 looks great but Killzone wont move consoles, it didn't move PS3 and BF4 and COD releasing at same time will hamper it.
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