The entire Halo series was, frankly, completely mediocre at best. At best. CE was indeed the best one, but it was also a terrible game in its own right. So boring. Just running around and mindlessly shooting aliens. No story, no fun. Multiplayer completely devoid of life and fun. Generic, bland, no imagination at all.
Lemms forced this filth down our throats. Hell, they might have pretended to love it themselves in a messed up Stockholm like situation. Anyone who says that they had fun playing any Halo game? I don't believe of the blandest, most boring, and devoid of life series I ever played in my life. It's like they just took all the most generic elements of every genre - scifi, shooter, military, etc - and combined them into one. The gameplay is just shooting, completely and utterly unimaginative.
You know, with all that happened with gaming websites and media recently, it wouldn't surprise me if reviewers were paid off to give high reviews. The Emperor's new clothes is here, folks! Anyone who would've gave Halo 1 above an 8.0, Halo 2 above a 6.5, and then any Halo game beyond that beyond a 5.0 - is out of their minds.
This is the most overrated series in the history of gaming, hands down.
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