[QUOTE="Skittles_McGee"] Halo 3/ODST, Gears 1, and Forza 3 were rushed?scarface_dm
Halo ODST certainly was rushed. Look at the quality of the exclusives when comparing the 360 and PS3. Either most 360 exclusives are rushed or the developers just suck. Do the developers making 360 exclusives suck? No. Then why are the exclusives on 360 sub par when compared to the exclusives on the PS3? You can't say hardware. I've heard many people say that the 360 has the better hardware, so why does PS3have the best graphics among the consoles? Why are the games more epic in scale then most 360exclusives? Developers simply have more time to develop their games on PS3, and that makes for better polished exclusives.
Okay than why are multi games better on 360, and Gears of War and Halo3 sub par comment is a bit biased :|
If tru than why did both games destroy any ps3 exclusive in sales ???
Multiplat games are different. The developers have equal time to develop one gamefor both consoles. The 360 is the easier development platform so the developers can get what they want done faster. With the PS3, if you don't know the architecture, it's a royal pain in the butt to program for. Development is simply easier on the 360 then the PS3 (if you haven't developed for the PS3 as of yet). What it comes down to in the end in all instances of game development is time. The more time you have, the better job you can do. When the developer is making a multiplat game, the most common thing for them to do is to release it on both the 360 and PS3 at the same time, but sometimes you get something that's called a timed exclusive, where the game is on 360 or PS3 first before it gets to the other console. This could be for a number of reasons (Microsoft giving some "motivation" to get the game on the 360 first, the developer wants it on a certain platform first, the developer wants to develop the game seperatly for each console, etc..).
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