Some strange man pulled up in a dark colored van with tinted windows and offered me some candy to get into his van. He took me to his house and we played the Atari 2600, while I sat on his lap. The rest his history.
It goes back to Atari 2600 and Intellivision. I remember playing Subhunt with my cousin on Intellivision for hours. I remember the sound the snake made when you were coming up to it in D&D. I remember playing Frogger and Pac Man for hours when I was really young on the 2600. I remember watching my Uncles play football and Boxing on Intellivision. They used to bet on the horse racing game it had and it was a blast. From there, I got a NES with Mario/Duck Hunt/Track Meet. I was instantly addicted. I begged my Mom to get me a Sega Genesis when it came out. Sonic looked like so much fun. I remember the first time I turned it on and heard the classic SEEEGGAAAAAAA. Good times, good times.
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