I play on both PC and console and I'm currently the owner of all 3 'last-gen' consoles. I like to at least try most of the decent games that get released but yet I rarely find myself actually having to switch a console on.
Conversly I find that I'm spending a huge amount of time on my PC. High quality games release almost daily it seems (slight exaggerartion but it does sometimes appear to be that way) and I actually have a large backlog of games waiting to be played....and that's before I dive into the mods for them!
I've never had a backlog on console, typically anything decent gets played for the 8 (ish) hours it takes to complete (most console exclusives and XBLA/PSN titles seem to fall under this catagory and i'm not a big MP shooter fan) and then the console goes back to dust collection mode for the next 6 months.
I enjoy playing a wide variety of good games so waiting that long for decent titles would drive me mad, how do you cope with it?
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