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[QUOTE="laughingman42"][QUOTE="SergeantSnitch"][QUOTE="amtentori"]ps2 games looked better than gc games? ...... there goes your credibilitySergeantSnitch
MP, windwaker, and RE4 say otherwise. Besides, didnt Twin Snakes have the same Graphics as MGS2?
GC was more powerful than the PS2. Thats a fact.
I love this part:
"HD is catching on BIG time, I know because I just got my 40" Sony Bravia LCD HDTV with FULL HD 1080P support"
So HD is catching on BIG time, and you know because you BOUGHT one? What else is catching on because YOU bought it?
Wool socks
I've been posting for weeks now and it still hasn't lost its novelty that cows actually exist.
lmao...what a joke.....your console is priceless.....LMAO Priceless!!!
It's funny because it's the most expensive console, and it's worth the least.Zenfoldor
[QUOTE="SergeantSnitch"][QUOTE="laughingman42"][QUOTE="SergeantSnitch"][QUOTE="amtentori"]ps2 games looked better than gc games? ...... there goes your credibilityweb966
MP, windwaker, and RE4 say otherwise. Besides, didnt Twin Snakes have the same Graphics as MGS2?
GC was more powerful than the PS2. Thats a fact.
PS3 is more powerful than the 360. Thats a fact.
Oh yea? But the games can't back up that claim, 360 spanks the PS3 in graphics. See how I disagree with you?
[QUOTE="Zenfoldor"]I've been posting for weeks now and it still hasn't lost its novelty that cows actually exist.
lmao...what a joke.....your console is priceless.....LMAO Priceless!!!
It's funny because it's the most expensive console, and it's worth the least.Zenfoldor
....stop now, lmao, stop, please, stop, rofl!!
....stop now, lmao, stop, please, stop, rofl!!
[QUOTE="SergeantSnitch"][QUOTE="Zenfoldor"]I've been posting for weeks now and it still hasn't lost its novelty that cows actually exist.
lmao...what a joke.....your console is priceless.....LMAO Priceless!!!
It's funny because it's the most expensive console, and it's worth the least.Zenfoldor
....stop now, lmao, stop, please, stop, rofl!!
Sony Brandname? Seriously, did I just read that. Sony Zealot or fakeboy..
....stop now, lmao, stop, please, stop, rofl!!
**** thats not a good sign. You can't possibly get worse than you are now... Apart from calling metroid a robot.
If this is a good read then what does a bad read look like? Cyber-
This is a good read. Care to dissect the parts where it isn't?
what is the ps3 going to do that will make it all of a sudden king? let me tell you something about the videogame industry. many if not all people buy a system because their FRIENDShave that system and they played on it multiple times. if your FRIENDS dont have a ps3 then why would you? lets face it either a system needs to come out first or be extremely different from the others (like the wii) to win. why would you want a ps3 and 360? i doubt your FRIENDS have both. most likely just the 360 and thus you will most likely get a 360. its the way the industry works and until people stop having FRIENDS its going to stay that way. im_different
Some people buy consoles, not because they want to spend all day online with their FRIENDS. Some people buy consoles because they simply like them better, like the exclusives better than other consoles and don't care much for consoles that break and suck and have online games full of tons of zit faced 12 year olds screaming obscenities.
[QUOTE="Cyber-"]If this is a good read then what does a bad read look like? SergeantSnitch
This is a good read. Care to dissect the parts where it isn't?
no need to dissect, any sentence is a good example.[QUOTE="Cyber-"]If this is a good read then what does a bad read look like? SergeantSnitch
This is a good read. Care to dissect the parts where it isn't?
Grammer errors dont really mean anything if the content is worth reading and leaves you thinking.
Dilusional fanboy rant: predicting PS3 will own 80% of the market is laughable, saying DS is just for a younger crowd is just plain incorrect, eventhough its obvious graphics are very important you put so much emphasis on them you forget all the other aspects to gaming which make it great and that Wii can still make visually good looking games.
Lies: DS is not just for a younger crowd, stating that Nintendo would have that muchcontrol over their market (the wii could not sell this well if it did not have some level ofquality).
:lol: Laughing at TC for believing that the ps2 was powerful than the GC :lol:
How can you think like that? :lol: Here'sashots of an old GC games that wouldn't run on the ps2 correctly
Star Wars Rogue Leader II and it is only a GC launch title
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