@charizard1605 said:
@AzatiS: That's a good list, man. How come you're not excited for FF15 or P5 though?
Ah i forgot some games , P5 is easily 8/10.
As for FF15 , i dont know im not sold for various reasons. FF12/FF13 wasnt the titles i was looking for maybe nostalgia of olders FFs kick in and ruins it big time for me when it comes to those 2. FF12 felt like a really bad single player MMORPG back in the days when FF13 with that linear curve felt even worse.
So after those 2 im just being cautious. Yes FF15 has solid shiny graphics and is another sequel to one of the most popular JRPGs but aside those facts im not sold with what ive seen so far. So far i really think characters design are not fitting to worlds design. Battle system seems boring , not necessarily bad , but nothing breakthrough either. Exploration feels messy as well. The overall environments aside the sparkly textures feeling ...cold and empty if you get what i mean. And many other minor things i dislike which i wont mention since are based on personal taste 100% , like Soundtrack in game battle scenes and more.
So , yes game is not ready and those were just some random videos of BETA gameplay few months back ... but after FF12/FF13 and with what ive seen so far from FF15 i dont know. I have to see more , what people have to say , critics reviews , try it a bit myself and if by any means games proves me wrong in the end , why not ! But as of now , ill pass the hype and anticipation like i did with FF13 , Resident Evil 6 , Gran Turismo 6 and Titanfall and i never regret it. I really hope im dead wrong this time .Such AAA caliber games with so much time efforts and money invested and so much hype and anticipation is really good to deliver in the end. Lets see !!
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