The story is the most important part of a game , in a good game like metal gear all other game elements such as gameplay , character desin or graphic are connected to the story
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The story is the most important part of a game , in a good game like metal gear all other game elements such as gameplay , character desin or graphic are connected to the story
for i story is right behind gameplay. i cant play a game if it is too hard to handle or doesnt feel right
According to Denis Dyack, it's very important.
Just look at the godly Too Human.
Miyamoto should take a leaf out of him. Then maybe, just maybe, he can make some really memorable Mario games.
It depends of the game. Mass Effect for example is one of my favourite games this gen just because its story. Its graphics and gameplay have too much flaws still the game is awesome. On the other hand some other genres dont need it to be great (Gears, CoD, etc)
I actually feel that no video game inherently needs a storyline to be good or memorable at all. It just so happens that people can and do appreciate a story for what it's worth.
The only games that seem to live or die by story are in the adventure genre. But even then, it's an issue with the stale nature of the 'adventure' as opposed to be being an inherent problem in the genre's design.
A great story line is basically essentilal to a great games, like you said, there are exceptions, but not to many....
Storyline is only second to gameplay for me. I hold storyline very highly and really it helps to get engrossed in a game and identify with the characters.
Well , when im playing SF4 , i really dont care about story. When im playing games like RE or RPGs ( single player ofc ) i care A LOT. So its what genre you play really. There are genres that gameplay >> story and others that Story > = Gameplay. But to be honest ... Gameplay + Great Story > ALL if is a genre you can do that , that is.I'm one of those crazy people who will take storylines over gameplay almost half the time. For me, without an interesting storyline, I tend to lose interest in the game over time. Of course, there are always exceptions, but not too many.
I get bored of most games these days if they don't offer a good storyline. It's practically a requirement for most games to have one for me. Or it just ends up being a very shallow experience. A good soundtrack really helps aswell. Sure I might play the odd multiplayer title or shooter title once in a while but it's just mindless fun that doesn't last long.
I think it depends, if its a multiplayer focused game, no story is really necessary (especially since for most FPSs you're talking about a 5 hour long campaign)
I wouldn't play many rpgs if they didn't have amazing plots
I liked Advent Rising because of the story, but the gameplay was iffy.
Story is wat makes me love a game (Zone of the Enders) Good Gameplay, I'll have fun but forget about the game fast (Gears of War)
Mass Effect, love that game cause of the story
It depends what kind of game it is. I only expect good stories in RPG's. All other games not so much. But I atleast expect some type of story. One of my main beefs with GeOW1 is that it had 0 story. The stpry came in a book. I mean come-on even Mario has a story to go off of.
i agree with this. a good story line can break up repetitiveness in games, and help give meaning to what you are doing.I find a good storyline very important, but gameplay is always the thing I care most about.
Depends on the genre.OreoMilkshake^ This,Story plays an important role for me in aRPG, Surviaval Horror, and adventuretitle
It depends on the genre. Platformers don't have to have a good story to be great the only thing platformers need are great gameplay and Fantastic/Imaginative Level Design. The story is just the bonus.
Racing or Sports games don't need story even though they sometimes try to put a story in some of the games.
Fighters have story but I don't think the story matters most of the time it is the gameplay that matters.
Story isn't really Important in SHMUPs.
FPS can get away with a bad story but it could use a good story.
Every other genre needs a story.
Quite important.
Depends on a game obviously but many factors make a great game. I lean little more towards gameplay and fun factor but story definitely plays a big role.
If the story is really, REALLY good, I'll overlook some gameplay shortcomings. It varies from genre to genre though. For example, I prefer JRPGs over WRPGs because of the imaginative storylines. Shooters and fighters don't ever have good storylines, but really good gameplay will keep me playing for a long time (Guilty Gear).
a great story can make an average game great like heavenly sword. but a game with great gameplay doesnt need a story, like killzone 2 or ninja gaiden. and a great game with a great story is just amazing like Infamous.
i think MGS games have a really good story for a video game (mgs2 story sucked) if it didnt i dont think i would be a fan of the game
Story is usually really important, but not always. Really only some genres can have games without good story's and get away with it. Good gameplay in a TPS or FPS can compensate for little or no story. Timeshift, PDZ, old school brute force all fun games to play with nonexsistent story's.
I think I found my lost brother :o :P I agree with you completely. I focus usually on stories when it comes to RPG's and not very much when it comes to FPS's with few exceptions like Monster Hunter, you're a monster and treasure hunter at the same time, DON'T TELL ME THIS ISN'T A GOOD STORY :evil:I'm one of those crazy people who will take storylines over gameplay almost half the time. For me, without an interesting storyline, I tend to lose interest in the game over time. Of course, there are always exceptions, but not too many.
Depends on the genre.OreoMilkshakeThis. :D I dont mind playing a hack n slash game with a mediocre story. I'm just enjoying it for the mindless killing. But for RPGs or a horror game, the story is the key to making it a great game.
Story and gameplay make up the entire game. If the graphics suck and the story is gripping enough, I'll still play it.
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