How important is backwards compatibility?

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#101 littlestreakier
Member since 2004 • 2950 Posts

I personally like having it but it's not a deal breaker.  I've learned to keep all my old games because at some point later on in life I might want to play them.  Being able to cut back on holding onto multiple consoles would've been nice, but what're you going to do?

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#102 littlestreakier
Member since 2004 • 2950 Posts

It's not ridiculously important to me for retail games, but I like it because it provides me with backups, and it saves space. Now when it comes to say XBL titles, the lack of backwards compatibility for that pisses me off.


What!?! XBLA titles aren't BC?  I have a lot of XBLA titles :( this is highly annoying if true (first time I've heard of this)

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#103 savagetwinkie
Member since 2008 • 7981 Posts

i think its pretty important. As much as I want to play the I buy a new console for new games is a total shit excuse. Software really needs to start being system agnostic and have more of a software platform it works on.

I have a ps2 but have not taken it out of the box in years, i even have games on it that I wouldn't mind playing but due to the hassle of finding a place for it and hooking it up, plus all the new games I can get, its really a waste.

On PC its become an incredibly awesome luxury. I buy a laptop, I have 200 games for it. I buy a new desktop I have 200 games for it. Yes quite a few of them are older but being able to just want to pick up and play something I haven't in a while, and it is conveniantly there on a one click download basically is awesome. Also with digital becoming more prevalent I think its even more important to have your digital purchases stay with you.

For instance I own reach/fable/dead space and tons of other games on xbox 360. They are only available to play on xbox. Even though its the same **** market place I cannot play those games on PC even if they are compatible, I need to repurchase each game from M$ if I want that to happen. PC doesn't matter at all. I get a new pc, all my software is available depending on the OS.

having no backwards compatibility is really a killer for me. Especially when i really enjoy digital purchases more than disc based purchases. In this day in age I'd rather not have all my software tied to a device that won't be in production years to come. If it breaks, I lose everything. My pc breaks... I buy a new one thats 10x more powerful and I have eerything at my finger tips still.

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#104 deactivated-57d8401f17c55
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It's a fantastic bonus, but in the case of the Wii U it really shouldn't have been there.  But it's still just that, a bonus.  Nothing needs to have it, that's why you buy a new console, to play new games.  Keep your old console, it's not going anywhere.

It was a bonehead move for MS to move away from x86 in the first place with xbox 360, but they wanted to combat the cell.  Even they thought the cell would be a huge deal and they didn't want such a huge gap in CPU power, but it turns out as we all know that was unfounded... If they had just stuck with x86 Xbox one might be BC with 2 generations.  Man, that would be something...

Nintendo found the right way to make BC affordable and energy friendly, that is to integrate some of the components of the previous console into the new components, not having to stick the whole chipset in the new console like Sony did with Ps2 and 3.  Who's to say if we ever see any console with BC again though.

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#105 PSP107
Member since 2007 • 18976 Posts


It's not ridiculously important to me for retail games, but I like it because it provides me with backups, and it saves space. Now when it comes to say XBL titles, the lack of backwards compatibility for that pisses me off.


What!?! XBLA titles aren't BC?  I have a lot of XBLA titles :( this is highly annoying if true (first time I've heard of this)

Yeah that is stupid. My PSN games weren't transfer either.
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#106 locopatho
Member since 2003 • 24300 Posts

It's not ridiculously important to me for retail games, but I like it because it provides me with backups, and it saves space. Now when it comes to say XBL titles, the lack of backwards compatibility for that pisses me off.

I don't really have any XBLA games, but why can't they have it so you can re download it for the XBONE? Greed?

That was the point at which I knew I wasn't getting an Xbone. I (foolishly I admit) had faith that no matter what, MS understood online and accounts. I fully expected them to transfer all my digital content over to Xbone, even if the physical disks couldn't work. The fact that they just went LOL NOPE and my hundreds of euro of content is tied to the unreliable 360... that's BS :/
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#108 Rattlesnake_8
Member since 2004 • 18452 Posts
With the huge library of current gen games and the lack of time to play the ones I want, it would be nice to be able to play them on next gen.. instead I have to keep my current gen systems too..
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#109 genfactor
Member since 2004 • 1472 Posts
BC is important enough for me to diliberately alternate between Sony and Microsoft every gen. I like being able to play the games I bought and unlike Nintendo, neither of them have enough exclusives to justify buying both. The idea that if I buy games for the PS2 and have to re-purchase those games digitally on PS3 to play them or have a 360 and have to re-purchase those games digitally on X1 makes me alter my buying habits. I now buy physical media unless I have no choice becasue I'm afraid of what may happen to my digital library if I get unfaily banned or if in the future I'm no longer able to play games on an older console because they shut down the servers for it. So now I've decided that I don't need a PS3. I will buy a PS4 and digitally download the few good PS3 exclusives that I missed. I don't need an X1, I will buy an X2 and digitally download the few good X1 exclusives that I missed. Besides, you don't buy those machines for the exclusives anyway, you buy them to get the multiplats that Ninendo misses out on.
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#110 deactivated-59d151f079814
Member since 2003 • 47239 Posts
Extremely important.. As primarily a pc gamer I find my self playing classic games from the 90s and early 2000's all the time.. Which I can do all on the same machine.. I rarely do this for the console because I do not want to dig up my older machines and hope they work to get it to run.. I would rather have BC on the console then being forced to paying AGAIN for a older game I already own from their network.. WHICH THEY DO constantly.