um why would nintendo be in trouble
with 131 ,somthing million dses sold 72 plus m wiis sold! plus making money on each system sold for the wii !
that doesnt even include games ! accessories etc
how is nintendo ever in trouble
the biggest trouble they were in was vb they rebounded sorta from that ,,
then the gc , ,they rebound from that ,, they know what needs to be done at the right time right place
and the price they set their consoles always are less then competitors they been doin this 20 yrs plus!
look at the sales charts
youll see what im seeing ,
nintendo is far from in trouble ,if anything no ones in trouble ,
none of the big 3 are in danger zone ,
nintendo is adding players to the market ,thatr is somthing that needs to be done.
every one can understand , ,
sure wii cant do 720 p plus , hd , but doesnt mean it aint got games ,, worth buying
if anything if i were to walk into a store today id probably see more wii games then other game console games put together ,and that says alot ,,
each gen actually nintendo has gained 2x the amount of third party titles or moresince its fall from grace
n64 398
gc 668
wii over 1000!
so ya um , that alone says alot! thats not including the vc or wii ware downloads
nintendo is in perfect shape now then they were ever they v got their most successful console this gen since snes at 72 point million units
snes was their highest 60 million plus units
nes 50 plus million units sothing like that
and their handhedl side of things flawless
each handhedl has grown sales over its prodecessor ds is in fact about 7 million units shy of out selling ps2 as the all time best seller
and its got life left in it!
for all wondering nintendo system home console sales
-some may be a little off
nes-50-60 million
snes -70 million
n64 34 million
gc 24 somthing milion xbox only had 27 million ( ps2 walked over them but sega ultimatelly failed 10 million last gen sales
wii -72 and growing million units making wii nintendos most succesful console and the 3rd most succesful console of all time bumpin snes down to 4th and nes to 5th
first and 2nd are sonys of all time of course- wiis only 4 yrs old ,gots some life left in it , im sure itll propel to 100 million easily dkc4 alone will help it
add zelda and kirby and goldeneye to that mix bam
your receipee for sales not to mention known price drops -its about time for one, ! and nintendo would do it right when ms brings somthing out , as if a 2 game bundle isnt enough im sure by next holiday or spring , wii will only cost 129,99 somthing like that
to counter kenict and moves launch of course!
you think nintendos gonna sit back and watch i dont think so
nintendo already won 3 e3s since the interception of the wii ,
-2005 2006 and 2010
and were close last year sony and nintendo tied , ms lucky by .5 inches
that tells you somthing , ,
killer 2010-11 line up , spells out like i said above
and their handheld sells are
gb 81 million-gbc gb gba sales combined
ds already surpassed-131-million that puts a history mark in the handheld history books now dont it
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