We can cut some slack for them being "just getting started" on PC but seriously even Uplay wasn't this shitty when it launched , this is simply cringe-worthy. We don't expect them to be like Steam right off the bat but i don't see ANY effort from MS put into this.
Really wanted to get QB down the line but i don't expect any overhauls, there are some fundamental issues with it which can not be solved with a patch or sth.
Hell , you can't even download from the store, you gotta cling on third-party software ...this is a mess.
Once again, MS is screwing us PC gamers with another nonsense like GFWL.
60 frames per second isn't possible on a 60Hz monitor: The most serious problem with this port lies in its performance limitations - currently, we've determined that it simply isn't possible to reach frame-rates matching the refresh rate of the monitor in use. The maximum frame-rate seems to be limited to 5/6th of the refresh rate - this means, when using a 60Hz monitor, the game simply cannot go beyond 50 frames per second. We even tried it with a Core i7 system paired with Titan X running at 720p on the lowest settings, but 50fps was still the limit - and the same thing applies to AMD GPUs too. The resulting frame-time graph sees the game bouncing between 16.7 and 33ms throughout the experience - even with the most powerful PC hardware available. With a 50Hz refresh rate then, you'll be limited to just 43fps. When using a 120Hz or 144Hz monitor, the maximum frame-rate obviously increases, but you can't achieve a level of performance that results in consistent, level frame-times. As far as we can tell, a judder-free experience is impossible at the moment without a patch from Remedy. This is something we've never seen before, but we've reproduced the issue on two different PCs running four different graphics cards.
30fps cap doesn't work properly: Users might find that simply capping the frame-rate at 30fps - an option in the menu - could help deliver the near-locked, more consistent update seen on Xbox One. Unfortunately, that just isn't possible either. When the cap is engaged, the game's frame-pacing becomes an issue, resulting in a jerky experience. While it's possible to achieve a measured frame-rate of 30fps, it will never appear as consistent as the Xbox One version, which mostly delivers each frame at a locked 33ms refresh. Normally, we would use the Nvidia half-refresh rate option or Riva Tuner Statistics Server to solve this problem but as a Universal Windows Platform app, the full-screen mode is limited to borderless window, preventing these tools from functioning at all.
Image quality: Then we have image quality. On Xbox One, Quantum Break uses a clever reconstruction technique designed to free up resources while producing a relatively clean image. It works quite well. On PC, with more capable hardware, we would prefer to see an option to render at the native resolution of our display without this feature - but this is not provided. What this means for users is that '1080p' effectively produces a reconstructed 720p image rather than a native full HD output. Rainbow Six Siege offers a similar technique but on PC, it's optional. This is a technique that looks nice on a television from a normal viewing distance, but when you're pressed up against a high resolution PC monitor, the results are blurry and lacking detail.
Universal Windows Platform: This is a drum we cannot beat loud enough - the Universal Windows Platform architecture is a huge issue for the PC right now. There are problems with this game, such as frame-pacing, which could be fixed by users right now but that becomes impossible due to UWP's limitations. In the case of Quantum Break, this means that we're basically held hostage waiting for improvements from the developer or from Microsoft itself, as if this were a console game. In a perfect world, games would ship without any issues, but that just doesn't always happen, which is why it's so important for PC gamers to have the option to work around these problems with established tools and GPU control panel options. Also: bonus points to UWP for overwriting our Xbox One completed game save with fresh PC data instead, eliminating our existing progress completely.
Data streaming: Quantum Break's world is divided into small chunks that are dynamically loaded as needed. This enables a continuous, more consistent world to explore but it also demands a lot from the hardware. This is a game that must be installed on a solid state drive. We tested Quantum Break on a fast 7200rpm HGST mechanical drive as well as a Samsung 850 EVO SSD and found that performance simply wasn't acceptable on the former when transitioning between areas. Huge stutters and skips appear, leading to a very jerky experience at select points. This isn't necessarily an issue with the port - though Xbox One clearly copes better with far less capable storage - but to our mind, an SSD is an essential requirement you must bear in mind before purchasing.
Meagre enhancements: There are improvements to Quantum Break, but the difference is not as significant as we would have hoped and often comes with a huge performance penalty. Volumetric light shafts and shadows benefit from an increase in resolution, resolving our biggest complaints with the Xbox One version - but it's not quite enough. It is possible to select higher presets for textures and effects work as well, but the difference is difficult to appreciate due to the reconstruction techniques in play. At the same time, we see the same aggressive LOD management on the PC as we did on Xbox One with no option to change it. Trees and vegetation still pop-in very near to the player, which proves distracting. Furthermore, anisotropic filtering is limited to a low level by default and has no option within the game to adjust it. Thankfully, this actually can be addressed by using your graphics card control panel. This is one area that, while disappointing, would be easier to overlook if not for the performance and image quality limitations.
No quit button: This was the first warning flag that something wasn't quite right. On the face of it, the lack of a dedicated quit button seems like a minor issue. You can, after all, reach over and use your mouse to click out of the game or simply press Alt-F4 - but we feel it highlights core issues with the approach to PC gaming here.
Crashing: On two of our Nvidia-equipped systems, Quantum Break crashed. A lot. It's important to stress that it's not the game code itself that died, but rather the Nvidia driver. It's not often that we see the display driver itself crash and recover outside of extreme overclocking tests, but that's exactly what we experienced here. We attempted to rectify the issue by eliminating all traces of the driver from our machines and re-installing, while also using both the latest and older drivers - the results were the same. Quantum Break is unstable on Nvidia hardware, and this may well also explain the inexplicably poor performance we put up with on GTX 970 - remarkably, the AMD R9 390 equivalent is 50 per cent faster.
i give them 6-12 months, hope they resolve the issues.
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