[QUOTE="NorthlandMan"] [QUOTE="latinrage69"]
actually, son, i'm 21 and i happen to enjoy wrestling. that aside, i never bought 50 cent bulletproof (or anything pretaining to rap) because he sucks at everything he does. i judged you as being biased because of that one comment becasue that's the way it came off. like i said before, casuals buy game like brainage and nintendogs, not the hardcore gamer.
Well I'm 26 son and i've been gaming alot longer than you. And i'll be damned before i'm criticised on my "immature" tastes by someone who enjoys watching fat semi naked men pretend to beat each other up. Bottom line gamers buy games, DS has the games. Square Enix, monoltih soft, Biioware, Firaxis, Nippon Ichi. These are all quality companies with quality games. You've probably never heard of them but most gamers have.
and Assassins Creed (the game in your avatar) is coming o the DS. Damn that kiddy Nintendo rubbish!!!!!
Well said.
As a 23 year old Nintendo fan I too am sick of 16 year old kids telling me my tastes are imamture (Neverwinter Nights, Bioware, Nintendo), while most of them are playing gangsta simulators.
I really hate Sony for starting that trend.
Personally i find it hilarious. Little kids who would probably start crying if they met you in real life talking about "kiddy" games. They think that just because they bought GTA Liberty Citty Stories on the PSP they're experts on gaming
i have heard of monolith software (FEAR), bioware (KOTOR and ME), and SE (FF series of crap), the others i haven't heard of. you bash me for my tastes and yet when i bash you for your's you become defensive. nice way to let the hypocracy out. you're 5 years older than me, call me a kid and you're the one being childish. wow, nintendo must keep the kid inside you alive. like everyone else, i stated off on nintendo (the NES), and left when i was 14 (the N64 to xbox transitional period). you tell me to grow up yet you still play kiddy games. hell i bet if nintendo came out with "duck, duck, goose" for the wii you'd be the first in line to by it.
oh and by the way, i never bought oa single GTA game for any console, it never interested me.
Apparently, you don't know the difference between Monolith Productions and Monolith Soft.
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