Surely not I.
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Actually, haters hate it because it sucks.
Most review sites now-a-days are filled with noobs who don't know how to rate games because they just started gaming this generation.
Proof for this claim?
My proof is that most sites gave Modern Warfare 2 a 9 out of 10. So...what's to stop me from saying you're a noob and you don't know how to review? What makes BF:BC2 better than COD:MW2? What did MW2 deserve? What did BF:BC2 deserve? I don't even see why people compare the two. COD is a lot faster than Battlefield. Not only that, but it's a smaller scale as well. Also you don't see people running around akimbo style in Battlefield as well - so in that sense, COD is a little less realistic than Battlefield and Wars in general. Modern Warfare is a fun game to many people, it has a entertaining single player experience with a robust online experience. You can't argue with peoples opinions. Which is what reviews are as well. That's not to say that it is all opinion, because they have to be professional about it. But that doesn't change that different people have different tastes AND I can bet that you are biased in some way in some form.[QUOTE="SpiritOfFire117"]Meh, it provided me some enjoyment. I haven't picked it up in a while though.Merex760I like it. It's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. I play it when I want fast paced multiplayer with small maps. Otherwise, I play Bad Company 2. Agreed. Sure, MW2 makes me really mad sometimes when I play a match. But most of the time I am enjoying myself. Online needs to be fixed, I don't see anyone with a unbiased mind saying otherwise. But, it is an alright game and is just as much fun for people as Battlefield Bad Company 2.
Well I bought the game and played it for a week, and my friend has been borrowing it ever since. I much prefer Halo 3 to it, and Reach is gonna kick it's teeth in.:twisted:
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"] what bad design would that be?SgtKevali
Rewarding camping alone. It doesn't reward the run and gun playstyle and some of the maps aren't made very well. For instance, if you play domination in falvela?.. w/e the name of the brazil stage is.. the middle flag is in a very stupid area of the map.
The thing is, if you camp your only hurting yourself. It's not fun at all, I always run and gun.
Fun is pretty subjective and yes camping imo isn't fun, but having the US airforce bombarding the field isn't fun either.Where's the just "I like it" option, since I neither think its the best nor just "alright"Skittles_McGee
Yea. I don't think its the BEST THING IN THE WORLD. Neither is it crap.
I love it, screw all of you haters and people who ruin the community, but COD4 is still the best by a mile.
[QUOTE="SgtKevali"]Those reviewers never got enough time to play and see all, ALL of its flaws.Haters just hate it because it's popular to hate it. It's a good game. It has a 94 on metacritic, that's better than BC2.
What huge, gamebreaking, flaws are there?
I tried the game out when Steam had the mulitplayer for free like 2 weeks ago. Just like you said in one of your poll answers "it's alright but it has flaws" I enjoyed the game, I had no problems getting first place. It has it's flaws and I still prefer Battlefield.
Most review sites now-a-days are filled with noobs who don't know how to rate games because they just started gaming this generation.
- used term 'noob' to critique game critics
- appealed to nebulous sense of gameing for longer than others
- ambiguous referral to 'most review sites' instead of taking specific complaints
so far worst post in a thread im sure will be full of whining haters and mouthbreathing bc2 bandwagon fanboys
in any case, mw2 is a fine game and its a shame so many people feel compelled to magnify its flaws while giving less-acclaimed games a free pass on their flaws. with friends its a great del of fun, the spec ops mode in particular is awesome. the campaign was fine, i dont know why people complain about the storyline in a call of duty game. mp was very good and addictive, though unfortunately bogged down by awful glitches and hacks.
i also never understand the complaints about 'campers' from people who 'run and gun'. you cant run and gun in a game like cod, its literally not possible in games with an ads system. if you want to run and gun, do your meth and go play some quake 3, then talk about run and gun. also, youve never seen camping until youve played rainbow 6 rogue spear on 2001 network tech
I personally enjoy it a lot. It is slightly flawed but, nothing that really pisses me off to much. If you play it everyday for 2 months you will get bored but, seeing how I haven't played it in like a week (due to other games) whenever I get back to it I'm pretty sure it will be fun as ever. I voted for the second selection in your poll simply because I don't think MW2 is the best game ever, but I really think it is popular to hate on it.
Same thing happened with Halo by Halo 3 everyone was hating on it because it was immensely popular. Now with Modern Warfare 2 its fun to hate on it. Makes people feel different when in reality they are just doing what everyone else is. Mark my words if Bad Company 3 (assuming their is one) becomes a major hit as would be likely, a month after its release you'll see tons of haters complaining about it and saying some other less popular but equally good fps, pwns it in every way.
Do not like it. Killstreaks are beyond lame, and unfortunately it's a primary mechanic. Hey, wow, gee whiz, I can call in a chopper. Or wait, screw that, I'll just play BC2 and pilot the damn chopper. And let's not get into stale maps and static environments.
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"][QUOTE="Espada12"]yet again as I've said to others camping is a legitimate tactic if you cannot deal with it don't run into the same place you just got killed at that's for any game, campers are easy to take out if you are good, know a guy is camping? pop a nade or semtex in there dead camper. The flags are set pretty well it would seem its a cross roads in the middle you have to be good to get that flag away from the enemy and have a good team, and like any game with flag capture or area capture your going to get people that camp it, capture and camp...yet again if your team is good and so are you then you will win. the only thing wrong with the game is respawn and there are quite a few games that have respawn problems and cod4 had respawn problems. He already decided he hates it, talking about tactics won't change his mind. [Insert silly insult here].Rewarding camping alone. It doesn't reward the run and gun playstyle and some of the maps aren't made very well. For instance, if you play domination in falvela?.. w/e the name of the brazil stage is.. the middle flag is in a very stupid area of the map.
Oh hey I didn't notice this it's kinda funny, you sound just like the people in the horrible community Cod has.
Most review sites now-a-days are filled with noobs who don't know how to rate games because they just started gaming this generation.
- used term 'noob' to critique game critics
- appealed to nebulous sense of gameing for longer than others
- ambiguous referral to 'most review sites' instead of taking specific complaints
so far worst post in a thread im sure will be full of whining haters and {insert insult here]
in any case, mw2 is a fine game and its a shame so many people feel compelled to magnify its flaws while giving less-acclaimed games a free pass on their flaws. with friends its a great del of fun, the spec ops mode in particular is awesome. the campaign was fine, i dont know why people complain about the storyline in a call of duty game. mp was very good and addictive, though unfortunately bogged down by awful glitches and hacks.
i also never understand the complaints about 'campers' from people who 'run and gun'. you cant run and gun in a game like cod, its literally not possible in games with an ads system. if you want to run and gun, do your meth and go play some quake 3, then talk about run and gun. also, youve never seen camping until youve played rainbow 6 rogue spear on 2001 network tech
Oh hey I didn't notice this one either, if you cared to read though you would realise I didn't care about running and gunning or who is camping but that fact that camping is rewarded. Of course reading is apparently difficult from the responses in this thread. Typical of the cod lovers, a community only rivaled by World of Warcraft and Heroes of Newerth for being the worse in gaming.
Or, we can use our opinions to say that we don't like it.Haters just hate it because it's popular to hate it. SgtKevali
So your trusting a site full of others opinions to make your decision on what's better?It's a good game. It has a 94 on metacritic, that's better than BC2.
I went with the second option. Its fun to play every once in a while, but it has its flaws as well.
The campaign is pretty awesome if you don't take the whole thing seriously. It's whole story is unrealistic, but they place it in a realistic setting which would unnerve a lot of people. I loved No Russian, because I totally fell for it hook line and sinker. I was thinking I was doing something for the greater good, and that the ends would justify the means. Also I loved how you never really spent much time in a similar place. All the levels were fairly unique with different types of environments, objectives, and strategies.
The initial mp design is golden, but it has several flaws that can really eff up the experience. I really like leveling up but w/out leveling up your guy is screwed. Almost every person I talked to regrets doing prestige because of this. They need to go back to COD4 where you're first levels gave you good enough equipment to kick some ass. The levels, and game play reward camping way too much. COD4 maps only had a handful of spots to camp so you could easily check them, and checking them was rewarding enough to gain kills. MW2 maps are loaded w/ camping spots so you're better off camping yourself than trying to hunt campers. Lastly my skill is almost completely dependant on the network. Some games guys are killing me around corners, and other games it's like they never saw me. Sadly it seem the worse my connection gets the better my score is to certain extent. I feel like IW didn't really spend anytime balancing out different network conditions to see how they interacted w/ the game, or they spent too much time and completely screwed it up.
Overall I like MW2 it's still one of the funner games out right now. I'd try BF2, but I thought the demo was mediocre, and the online community will pretty much disappear in a few months like most games.
Or, we can use our opinions to say that we don't like it.[QUOTE="SgtKevali"]
Haters just hate it because it's popular to hate it. The-Mosher
So your trusting a site full of others opinions to make your decision on what's better?It's a good game. It has a 94 on metacritic, that's better than BC2.
I went with the second option. Its fun to play every once in a while, but it has its flaws as well.
These are mostly sites of proffesional opinions rather than some whiney kids on GS forums
So your trusting a site full of others opinions to make your decision on what's better?[QUOTE="The-Mosher"]
[QUOTE="SgtKevali"]Or, we can use our opinions to say that we don't like it.
It's a good game. It has a 94 on metacritic, that's better than BC2.
I went with the second option. Its fun to play every once in a while, but it has its flaws as well.
These are mostly sites of proffesional opinions rather than some whiney kids on GS forums
Customer reviews are more reliable than professional opinions imo, no one is paying those customers to praise the game..... and you can clearly differentiate the bad customer reviews from the good ones.
i like it it alot. have it for both ps3 and 360. i also have bbc2 for both systems. i like mw2 better
So your trusting a site full of others opinions to make your decision on what's better?[QUOTE="The-Mosher"]
[QUOTE="SgtKevali"]Or, we can use our opinions to say that we don't like it.
It's a good game. It has a 94 on metacritic, that's better than BC2.
I went with the second option. Its fun to play every once in a while, but it has its flaws as well.
These are mostly sites of proffesional opinions rather than some whiney kids on GS forums
Those whiny (you spelled it wrong) kids that your talking about usually know what their about. At least were not payed to say good things about the games.Those reviewers never got enough time to play and see all, ALL of its flaws.[QUOTE="fifamessi"][QUOTE="SgtKevali"]
Haters just hate it because it's popular to hate it. It's a good game. It has a 94 on metacritic, that's better than BC2.
What huge, gamebreaking, flaws are there?
ha! you kidding me right?Or, we can use our opinions to say that we don't like it.[QUOTE="SgtKevali"]
Haters just hate it because it's popular to hate it. The-Mosher
So your trusting a site full of others opinions to make your decision on what's better?It's a good game. It has a 94 on metacritic, that's better than BC2.
I went with the second option. Its fun to play every once in a while, but it has its flaws as well.
I enjoy the cod multi player over battle field just for the simple fact that you can be good on your own, in bfbc2 if you team sucks it is no fun, at least in mw if you team sucks you can do well by your self.Please Log In to post.
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