I'm no gaming rig expert but Crysis and FSX run fine on high settings on my Laptop.....just got it like 1 month ago
looking forward to getting Left for Dead, Fallout, maybe Warhead... I think I'll get Mirrors Edge for the PS3 though.... anyway
centrino duo 2.2 ghz
4gb ram
ATI RadeonHD2600xt 512mb
vista64 (if that means anything)
anyway it has HDMI out...and it is very convenient to unplug the HDMI cord from my PS3 and just plug it into my Laptop.....and that is that......hooked up to my HDTV..... add this with a 360 controller (eventually DS3 with drivers) and I'm good....
IMO PS3+Gaming computer= GREAT F'n Combo
you get the best mulitplats + best exclusives + free online
sure you can get all the systems.....if u can afford them....but I'm pretty set with this combo for now....... if the 360 gets more true exclusives and fix the RROD problem once and for all... I have no problem adding a 360 to my list....... but it NEEDS more TRUE exclusives....
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