How many devices do you guys have?
Its interesting to see the consoles the people use, might as well add the console of choice if you want to, just to give it that system wars feel.
I have;
3 PS3's,4 Xbox 360's,1 Wii
1 PSP,2 DS,1 DSI XL,1 3ds
1 iPad,1 android phone
1 PC,1 Macbook Air
I honestly can say from all my devices the only thing i can not recommend is the Macbook Air. Every other device has been a pleasure to use.
If you are wondering why i have so many ps3's and 360's its because we play a lot of system linking at our house. Every COD iteration we buy a few copies and play against each other. Even games like the Darkness 2 and battlefield get the local LAN love. Luckily everyone in my house loves gaming so its a common hobby.
Personally my 360 is for all my FPS games
PS3 is for my fighting games and JRPG's
Wii is my brothers console.
PC for strategy and indie.
Macbook air is my web browsing device that always crashes. Also try to use it for uni if its stable enough.
I do not side to any console in this war i have my gaming library adjusted to the benefits of each consoles strengths according to myself and my family.
Even the wii as much as i find it the weakest of the lot is still enjoyable for things like SSB and mario kart.
I love my gaming, probably more so before than i do now, and for that reason i give credit to all companies.
:P No i don't buy themes for consoles.
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