2 PS3's (160GB Slim, 60GB Phat with YLOD), 1 360(60GB + 4GB Slim soon to be 320GB + 4GB Slim), 1 Wii, 2 Handhelds( PSP and DS), 1 Laptop (Lenovo Ideapad Y580), 1 Android phone( LG MyTouch 4g). I mainly use the 360 for regular gaming, PS3 is used for porn and retro gaming(PS1 and Persona 3). I don't use the Wii because my monitor doesn't support RCA input. Laptop is only being used for course work until I can get some games for it. I only use my phone for the usual phone stuff and the occasional game every now and then. I don't know or care about where my handhelds are. So yeah I'm a manticore with a heavy console slant for now.
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