i'm 33. I don't know what the age is stop playing video games. I played 8 hours a day i think, i rather game than have social activities (besides family then).
I sometimes don't feel well if i game a lot but then i speak of 8 hours a day +. But mostly i feel fine, I do feel sometimes some reumatic symptoms in my hands because of gaming. Rarely it 's so bad i actually have to stop gaming. Last my arm just hurted like hell, and some joint in my left hand. The pain goes away immediatley when i stop though and after a few hours or the next day it's gone.
Also finding good games seems to be more difficult or maybe it's just a matter of taste. I played oblivion recently and that was a nice threat. Aslo mass effect, crysis , black ops very good games. I really do miss the times of unreal and halflife, hitman , red faction, drakan, wolfenstein, medal of honour, deus ex. All epic games. It's seems hard to find epic games lately maybe it's because off the age or the production of games. I don't know. I honestly think it has more to do with the production of games and the technology of fps games was pretty new in the late nineties so i guess that's maybe the problem.
Anyway i have always been interested in science and technology and i just love sci-fi movies. I guess the fun part of video games is that you can have the thrills without the chillslike beinga hitman and you can simply do things that aren't possible otherwise like beinga wizard in fantasy world with dangerous beasts. It's a form of escaping reality. As bad as it sounds it can be great.
So i don't know when you're too old to play video games. I do know when i'm drunk i don't realize what's all the fuzz about and i rather interact socially but when sober and i guess that's best to be sober i really like it. I like it more than anything , better than sex even (it wasn't always like this lol).
I think it's all a matter of choice what do you want from your life. I know i will be gaming till ilose interest. If i simply don't like it anymore i will find something else and that time could come pretty soon. Like in the mid-nineties suddenly computer gaming got boring for me. I had it with computer games , nothing really new came out. super street fighter ex alpha beta plus whatever it was all more of the same. Doom looked way to ugly to be cool, not to mention the sound. off course you had tekken but it was really all the same kinda of stuff . 3d mario on the n64 couldn't really rock my craddle. Only in the year 1998 when unreal came out and if you saw that on two voodoo cards in sli lol. Then computergames really started to draw attention again for me. After that it was one gem after the other and i think a lot more people started playing computergames then. I know the playstation was a real hype but running around in a 3d world that actually looks good. If you start up now unreal or halflife some maps or environmentsstill look stunning. For me it's a piece of art.
If i see what other people do , i can't really understand it. It all seems like a lot fuzz when i can have massive adventures from the comfort of my home.
Don't get me wrong i do like to sit inthe sun and eat good food or drink acocktail. I do like to party but not as oftenanymore.
When i was 15 i wanted a ferrari now i want a gtx 580.
P.S. I wouldn't play sonic or super marioanymore, but i did play double dragon, golden axe, kung fu master a couple of times the last ten years. Well i never even liked sonic and super mario. Kung fu master was way cooler.
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