Now, let's assume you're some high school student with no experience (we're talking basics here, so anyone can do it!), starting at the very bottom of the employment spectrum.
*The following uses Canadian dollars, adjust depending on exchance rates to translate into your country's currency*
We'll use a PS3 asan example here, but the same reasoning applies to any expensive game system:
Gee, that shiny new PS3 looks awful spiffy... Too bad it costs a whole 550$ (630$ after 14% tax)!! (
Hmm, lets see, a basic job pays a minimum wage of $7.50 an hour. Working part time (20 hours), you make 150$ a week.
Edit: I'm in ontario, taxes and pay rates might be different in other parts of Canada, I forgot that part, lol.
Lets say you get payed every twoweeks, but some ofthat is taxed (lets say tax is 10% just to keep things simple), you're left with 270 dollars on your pay check.
Of those 270 dollars, you might want to bank 100 of it for college, if you plan on going to school and your parents aren't paying for it. (170 left).
Now you likely have a social life, and friends, whom you do stuff with fairly often, so you're probably going to want to save another 70$ per check, so that when you do things you'll have money to spend. (100 left)
Now we have 100 dollars left, which we can save up.
See? You can afford something like a PS3 in a couple months, while maintaining a social life, AND saving for College!
If you work full time during your summer vacation, which I think anyone should do, unless you have summer school or something like that, you make twice as much, meaning that in a single summer vacation you could afford a PS3, an Xbox 360, and games, and still save for college, and have a social life.
Isn't that amazing? You could actually work for that PS3 / Xbox 360, and then you wouldn't have to wait for Christmas to come.
Now I know what you're saying to yourself atm: "But gee golly Big Red Button, I have too muchteen angst to get a job! It's too conformist!!!"
Ok, maybe not ALL of you said that, but I'm sure SOME did...
Whats great is that I don't even count money from things like holidays, birthdays, contract killings, south Columbian oil deals, and corrupt cop blackmailing.
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