I'm less tolerant of certain things even more. I don't care for video game stories in general bar major exceptions still, in fact I'm pretty convinced that video games will never be a good story telling medium no matter how hard you goons try to make excuses for it. Unskippable cutscenes are not my jam, but i can still tolerate all that shit for the game mechanics.
So long as there is a meaty game, with me to git gud at stuff, I can get into it. Dad of War much like the previous God of Wars does not stack up favorably to Bayonetta or Devil May Cry or what have you, but like God of War 2 n 3, it's just fun enough that I appreciate the combat for what it does right, even if it lacks for technical play. It's head and shoulders over the shitty combat systems found in The Witcher 3 or Batman combat n shit.
Multiplayer wise fighting games are great, I love learning them. Rocket League is rad. The FPS scene has never been worse, Siege is great tho. A diamond in a sea of garbage, it's a shame to see the once majestic PC arena shooter be basically dead sans a few one v ones you can get on Reflex discord or mess with Quake live.
The indie scene is rock solid.
I just don't have the free time to play as much as I want. Nowadays I'm running my own businesses while still handling all my taxing duties keeps me out of the house most of the day, so when I do get to play a lot of times it's like do I want to learn a new system or do I want to play a fighting game I've already learned/play some DMC5.
I really hope all 3 start making games for PC, because I'm tired of paying for consoles, they suck.
I think most conversations about games miss the forest for the trees, but I aint got time to care for more things other than educate a jabroni or two on action games n fighting games (the best genre in gaming).
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