[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"]You're right, but PC gamers regularly update their systems more frequently than console-gamers do, which can be downright expensive.BobHipJames
I just received an e-mail from Newegg....$30 on 2 gigs of DDR2 Corsair RAM after rebate.
8800 WTFpwns consoles....so does an 8600....both are within budget range now.
Core 2 Duos are freaking cheap....
Put them together and you have a console....wait five years when the console cycle refreshes, and get yourself a new PC. PC upgrades are entirely up to you, chap. You choose when you want them, what you want, and how much you want to pay.
And you fail to realize that you can't upgrade a console....you can buy cheap proprietary junk, if you like.
Also, I've been playing the same games on my PC for like....a half-decade.
Warcraft 3, Half Life 2, and all associated mods, maps, etc. Both cost me $50, roughly.
On a console, you're left to replaying the same singleplayer mode or WTFPWNING noobs on multiplayer. As appealing as that is, refreshing a ModDB page is like staring into the face of God. $50 goes no farther than on a PC game. Hell, some of the time, you don't even have to buy the game. Free games, free trials, (.pld[palwpl), (opfqkpfkqwpok), and SourceMods that apply only if you have SourceSDK and a Source game.
I've played dozens upon dozens of mods for HL2.
You buy a $60 game, the manufacturer squeezes some more dough out of you, then laughs when you ask for user-created content. To me, that's as pointless and unfulfilling as it is expensive. I can't even imagine buying Condemned 2 or Rock Band, as much as I'd love to.
this man said the truth. My new pc, to replace my 5 years old 3 ghz that coudl still play the majority of the game on medium, only cost me 1100$us including the monitor, the os. Without these things, the cost of my pc would have been around 800$us! Now I can play Crysis on high at 34fps with my new shinny 8800gts that cost me 50$more than a 8800gt.
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