Geez it's kinda hard to pin point what puts me off about this game. It's fun, but it doesn't feel Battlefield honestly. It doesn't feel like any good battlefield game I have played so far. I have kinda weird feeling that something is not right about BF1. And it's not their reimagination of WW1 that is at fault Maybe it's just too many little things that annoy me.
1. Infinite sprinting ability.
I mean now everything moves so fast. It's like 64-player Call of Duty on steroids. It kinda loses older BF slowness and tactics feel. It's not like sprinting is bad, it's just too fast even for sprinting lol. It feels like an Olympic game now. People just can reoccupy their lost positions too fast - they die, they sprint back. And shooting is like shooting a bunch of mad chickens in the pen.
2. Very weird hit detection. I don't know if they reduced hit boxes, but sniping someone from afar is almost impossible. I clearly see how my bullet trace passes through a running figure, but still no hit is detected. And I have a ping around 60. I sniped a lot in BF 1/2/3/4. In no game it was as hard to snipe someone as in BF1. The funny thing there is almost no bullet drop. And when you can not hit someone at a very reduced distance because of sprinting, very fast game play and first of all some weird jerking animations in general as if every WW1 soldier had Parkinson or something, is just too frustrating.
3. That one cavalry guy looks hilariously off place. Like really, wtf, in the middle of tanks and machine guys, one guy on a horse. If they wanted include horse gameplay, why not add a mode where everybody has a horse, not just one guy lol. The action that is already looks goofy because of infinite sprinting and jerky animations becomes even goofier.
4. As I had already mentioned animation and rag doll now looks...I would say low budget. In BF3/4 they were so much more polished. This time bodies flying just like birds past you lol. Planes getting stuck in a weird way and continuing flying. And when plane crash they stay on the earth continuin their falling jitteing movement while burning for minutes which looks silly and takes off immersion.
5. Tanks move too fast. Shall I remember that WW1 tanks moved with a speed of a turtle. I am OK with history reinterpretation but make at least something historically accurate for god sake. Tanks need a nerf. They just roll at full speed all over the map to avoid grenade damage.
6. Weapons are practically the same with different skins. Like seriously, one doesn't need to change their weapon at all, as their only difference is class based:
rifle - low fire speed, high damage
Assault rifle - high fire speed, low damage
Support - high fire speed, medium damage, high recoil
Shotgun - you know acts as any shotgun.
I literally couldn't see or feel, like in previous BF's, any significant difference between different weapons of the same class
7. Where the hell is bullet drop. Anyway hit detection is so bad, with bullet drop it would be impossible to kill someone from afar lol
8. Graphics.
Oversaturation that gives a slight cartoonish feel of your surroundings.
In general, I don't hate BF1, I am just not enjoing it like previous games. Honestly, I have this weird feeling of playing 64-player TF2, not much ad COD which I had mentioned before, but this jittery, sprinting and chaotic sensless action remembers me Team Fortress somehow.
What are your impressions of the new Battlefield ?
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