Let's take Foxhoud Fox's list:
Assassin's Creed: Linear, repetative, and generic. The ONLY innovation was the climbing.
Braid: Excelent title, but has little to no replay value and can be beaten in under 10 hours.
Castle Crashers: Can be beaten in under 10 hours and is incredibly generic.
Condemned: Loved this game, I can not fault this one (is it because it has shooter elements in it :o)
Dead Rising: Interesting concept, but the gameplay was under-developed.
Forza Motorsport 2: Never owned.
Kameo: Elements of Power: The first game I bought for my 360. GENERIC.
Mass Effect: Excelent title, but it has frame-rate problems. Other than that... great game.
Mega Man 9: HARD GAME! Can't beat it.... :P
Mirror's Edge: Can't Wait to buy!
N+: Never owned
Skate: lol?
Prince of Persia and Mirror's Edge (though there is shooting :o) I am looking forward to, but honestly, those lists are small for being a culmination of over a year.
Assassin's Creed was fresh, that's what made it good. It was something new. Yes, there were reptitive tasks but if the game were purely about assassinations, it would be about an hour long. And most assassin's stalk their targets and dig up info before jumping in head first... so it makes sense. It's far better than a lot of "original" games that have come out this generation.
Braid doesn't need replay value, it was a visceral experience. It was creative and fun, that's all a game needs in my book for it to be worth my time and money.
I don't see how you are the authority on "generic." Castle Crashers is a beat 'em up with lots of content and some great humour.
Dead Rising was far from underdeveloped. There was so much you could do it wasn't even funny. It was just what I was looking for in a zombie game... and then Left 4 Dead comes along and slaps me across the face and shames me for thinking Dead Rising is the god of zombie games.
Kameo was original and it was enjoyable. You keep saying "generic" and not actually spend any time telling us *what* is generic about them.
Skate is the first skateboarding game since Thrasher Skate and Destroy on the PlayStation to make realistic skateboarding fun. Tony Hawk has always been about moon-physics and doing 1440 grab-spins with a single push. Skate is the Forza Motorsport of skateboarding games, it established a new bar for skateboarding games on consoles like Forza did for racing sims.
Please define what you think is "generic" about the games you listed. Just calling something "generic" doesn't say anything... it just says you are too lazy to actually come up with proper criticisms.
You complain about there being too many shooters and then just wave your hand at practically everything else that comes out.
Ok, this is easy. Let me offer you a more detailed description of what makes a game "generic". You of all people I would think would understand.
Assassin's Creed:Linear, repetative, and generic. The ONLY innovation was the climbing. The game was NOT fresh at all, in my opinion. The combat, which was stripped down to repetative button presses, was common and is seen in nearly every action game now. There was no innovation here. Just because a game "makes sense" doesn't mean it's good. Gameplay and "making sense" should hardly ever mix because what you were left with in Assasins Creed is what you are left with in every other "generic" adventure title. You "go here, look for this person, learn from what he has to say, and then follow you map back to report this information and actually NOT LEARN ANYTHING because the game will just baby-sit you through the next step". THAT is what I mean when I say generic. You find all of these cool people, learn what they have to say and then have it not mean anything, because your next step is always identified FOR YOU on your map. Generic, repetative, and not creative one bit. Honestly, a MAP in this time period? :P
Braid: Excelent title, but has little to no replay value and can be beaten in under 10 hours. This title was very good, I gave it a 9.0 when I reviewed it, but because it doesn't last long, a gamer is always looking for the next game. FPS's are developed with multiplayer, co-op, and other strategic offerings in mind. Now, this was a downloadable game, so it makes sense, but again, it pleases me for only so long.
Castle Crashers: Can be beaten in under 10 hours and is incredibly generic. Just because a game has humor does not make it original. This was, plain and simple, a hack and slash experience. Fun stuff, for sure, multiplayer was enjoyable... but for how long? Nothing compelled me farther other than the hope to reach the next level after I finished the short story. While FPS games are creating worlds of magnificent scope and interesting gameplay elements, this game uses it's humor to drive it's audience. And while that's fine, humor only goes so far.
Condemned: Loved this game, I can not fault this one (is it because it has shooter elements in it :o)
Dead Rising: Interesting concept, but the gameplay was under-developed. The game had you do a lot in it, but how much of it was actually... good? In my opinion, the shooting in the title was sloppy, the melee was innacurrate, and the camera-shots were only a diversion. The game is a lot of fun and I played it for several hours, but like you said, Left 4 Dead is blowing it out of the water.
Forza Motorsport 2: Never owned.
Kameo: Elements of Power: The first game I bought for my 360. GENERIC. Why? Well... here you have several different monsters to turn into with different powers. This sets you up for a lot of cool ways to use these powers, right? Oh wait... no... it doesn't. Some of the powers are hardly useful at all, and I went through the game using only certain ones a lot. The game was beautiful, but what made it "original" at all? Honestly... this was a "play by the book" type of game.
Mass Effect: Excelent title, but it has frame-rate problems. Other than that... great game.
Mega Man 9: HARD GAME! Can't beat it.... :P
Mirror's Edge: Can't Wait to buy!
N+: Never owned
Skate: lol? I've never been a part of the skateboarding franchises... sorry. :/
There, I hope this answers your disbelief that I only wave these titles away without a reason. Some of these games are really good, but they are either too short or incredibly generic. Just look at your signature; Shadow of the Colossus. What made this game original? Well... the entire level was played on a living creature, on the very boss you are assigned to kill. This changes the way you approach each and every situation. The game was a great length and it had a beautiful story. THAT is creativity and THAT is originality.
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