In the hopes of making you feel better TC, wii owners can enjoy...
About a 100 games with an 80/100 score or better on gamerankings, and a variety within those 100 games that can only come from not targeting every single game at the same demographic. Not forgetting of course that most Virtual Console games haven't been reviewed and aren't included in that total, unless you think games like Super Metroid, Legend of Zelda Ocarnia of Time, and the Secret of Mana (none of which have been reviewed) are not worth playing. And...
Wii in 2010
Sin & Punishment 2: Successor of the Universe, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Zelda WII, Metroid Other M, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom,No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle,Endless Ocean 2: Blue World,Monster Hunter Tri, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Epic Mickey, Phoenix Wright Ace Attourney, Phoenix Wright Ace Attouney: Justice for All,Phoenix Wright Ace Attouney: Trials and Tribulations, Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces,Final Fantasy II (SNES),Mega Man 10,Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon,Sam & Max Season 2,Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (PC-ETG16),Red Steel 2,Sakura Wars V: So Long, My Love, Tales of Monkey Island 5: Rise of the Pirate God, Cave Story, Trauma Team, Arc Rise Fantasia, ArtStyyle Rotozoa, ArtStyyle Light Trax, Max and the Magic Marker, Sonic the Hedgehog 4, Rock Band 3, Bit.Trip Runner, Kirby Super Star (SNES), Mega Man 4 (NES), Lost in Shadow
Also keeping a sideways glance at these 2010 releases:
Fling Smash, Tournament of Legends, Trackmania Wii,Tecmo Bowl: Kick Off, Samurai Warriors 3 (Wii Exclusive), Devil Kings 3, Arcade Shooter Illvelo
No date set, could be this year:
Line Attack Heroes (From the Maker of Square's Mana series), Monado: Beginning of the World (Makers of Baten Kaitos & Xenosaga, I wouldn't think localization is likely this year), Salamander Re-Birth, Jackal Rebirth, Kirby Wii, Cosmic Walker (1st party published Space Walking Action game from the Creator of Shin Megami Tensei), (Localization of Zangeki no REGINLEIV)
Further On: Last Story (From Mistwalker of Lost Odyssey fame), Dragon Quest 10
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