[QUOTE="accameron"] So today, Sony announced officially no price cut for the PS3. Even as the anti-PS3 guy that I am (for those of you familiar with my work on SW), I am shocked that there will not be a price cut announced at E3. Sure, they could be bluffing, but something tells me that they are not, especially because they confirmed no price drop like 3 days before their press conference at E3. This pretty much IS the last nail in the coffin- even though I didn't think a $100 drop would be enough, NO drop is insulting to PS3 owners, and anyone considering buying a PS3. I would sell NOW, and get my 360 (and that is honest advice, no bias intended- it's just not funny anymore).
How is it a insult to PS3owners? A console has never had a price cut in it's first year, so whats the big deal. They already own the PS3 and are injoying it, soif you don't like what the PS3 has to offer then don't buy one, but to tell people thats it's all over for Sony and to just get rid of there PS3, is complete speculation, and far from the thruth.
This E3 is VITAL for Sony. Their sales and goowill in the marketplace are completely in the crapper, no one wants to spend that much on a video game system. They NEED to drop the price, and get some good games out NOW. Otherwise they will just fall further behind. So they have to wow people at E3, and convince consumers to buy their system. I don't care if Heavenly Sword, FF13, and MGS4 are released in a week- if the price of the PS3 doesn't drop, even these heavy hitters will not help the fate of the PS3. Sony is shooting themself in the foot by not dropping the price, even if they are taking a loss on each system.
This is an extremely pivotal time in the video game industry- year 1/2 in the console race, leading into the fall before a major holiday season.
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