Even with the side-quests the game is too short for me. NG+ recently came out and gives us another reason to tackle the game once more. This might just be the best PS4 game yet(next to Bloodborne which already had a feeling of deja-vu because of the multiple Souls games). Unlike many Sony exclusives the "hur hur movie-game" doesn't fly with this. Sure, it is story-driven but the gameplay doesn't suffer one bit from it and although early on the storytelling gets a bit in the way and is heavy-handed, as soon as you really "start" the game, it never stops.
If you haven't played it and got a PS4, go play it. I already can't wait for the sequel. Only thing missing are epic boss battles which I hope will be reintroduced in the next one because these are arguably the most iconic features of God of War games.
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