@babyjoker1221: ofcause it has more players than GT. I mean what else do you lems has to play a side from halo gear Forza lol. PlayStation has way more games.

@Juub1990: Couldn't agree more. Personally, I think the game had just enough content. I never felt like I was doing the same thing too many times, which is a problem with larger titles. But in terms of quality, I think it's by far the best action game of the generation. If Breath of the Wild didn't exist, I'd argue God of War is the best overall game this gen.
@i_p_daily: the only reason people dont forget about Forza is because they rehash it every year. You're like one of those people who buy a console only to get FIFA each year. You're the lamest type of gamer out there if you can even call yourself a gamer.
This is the shit that bugs me. Who the hell are you to decide what games are worthy or not. Not every gamer are not sports fans. The hate that sports games get is crazy. Maybe you fit the stereotype of a gamer geek and that's where this smugness comes from, but man you aren't entitled to decide who is a gamer or not.
TC how could you forget? the game came out literally moths ago. There hasn't been enough circle jerking and cows 69ing about this game so you had to bring it up again? Did you play the game drunk or on LSD the first time or just looking for attention?
It's a great exclusive congratulations for all the hard work you put into making it happen!
@i_p_daily: the only reason people dont forget about Forza is because they rehash it every year. You're like one of those people who buy a console only to get FIFA each year. You're the lamest type of gamer out there if you can even call yourself a gamer.
This is the shit that bugs me. Who the hell are you to decide what games are worthy or not. Not every gamer are not sports fans. The hate that sports games get is crazy. Maybe you fit the stereotype of a gamer geek and that's where this smugness comes from, but man you aren't entitled to decide who is a gamer or not.
I don't hate sports games. I hate fanboys like i_p_daily that are a fan of one franchise and shit on all others, specially those he never played or has intention of playing just because they are not on his plastic girlfriend.
@i_p_daily: the only reason people dont forget about Forza is because they rehash it every year. You're like one of those people who buy a console only to get FIFA each year. You're the lamest type of gamer out there if you can even call yourself a gamer.
This is the shit that bugs me. Who the hell are you to decide what games are worthy or not. Not every gamer are not sports fans. The hate that sports games get is crazy. Maybe you fit the stereotype of a gamer geek and that's where this smugness comes from, but man you aren't entitled to decide who is a gamer or not.
I don't hate sports games. I hate fanboys like i_p_daily that are a fan of one franchise and shit on all others, specially those he never played or has intention of playing just because they are not on his plastic girlfriend.
Another day another cow alt triggered, but thanks for hating me as it makes me stronger and...
@i_p_daily: Driveclub in VR is absolute trash. I've played some interesting stuff when I had my PSVR but Driveclub is easily among the worst games available in VR.
That simply is not true as quacknitwit swears that VR makes racing games a million times better, so stop lying you filthy lem :P
@i_p_daily: the only reason people dont forget about Forza is because they rehash it every year. You're like one of those people who buy a console only to get FIFA each year. You're the lamest type of gamer out there if you can even call yourself a gamer.
This is the shit that bugs me. Who the hell are you to decide what games are worthy or not. Not every gamer are not sports fans. The hate that sports games get is crazy. Maybe you fit the stereotype of a gamer geek and that's where this smugness comes from, but man you aren't entitled to decide who is a gamer or not.
I don't hate sports games. I hate fanboys like i_p_daily that are a fan of one franchise and shit on all others, specially those he never played or has intention of playing just because they are not on his plastic girlfriend.
Another day another cow alt triggered, but thanks for hating me as it makes me stronger and...
You come into every single Sony game thread to damage control. You are the one who has the butthurt of Sony's ownage living rent-free in your head.
@i_p_daily: I have no doubt driving games can be amazing with VR, but Driveclub VR is a turd. The game it self as a driving game is just terrible and the graphics are so awful that you have to try it to really get a feel of how bad they are (and I was playing on my Pro).
Still I have to say it gives a glimpse of what driving games may achieve in the future, and probably PC people already can enjoy it, but God no, Driveclub VR is a joke.
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