For 1 year i burdened myself with the evil Wii. I tried to convince myself that the games were fun and the motion controller was innovative. I struggled through blurry graphics and dozens of "party" games and unusable controls features to adapt to Nintendos retro casual vision of the video game world.
But i broke free. I sold my Wii over the weekend....and now i feel.........great.
No more staring at walls of shovel ware and wondering if i i should waste $20 on that new pool, bowling, fishing, duck hunting or dog or cat training game.
No more buying a multiplat EA sports game and trying to convince myself, that despite the crappy graphics, the game play is somehow better because of the Wiimote ( when in fact its much worse ).
No more wasting my time trying to enjoy primitive online games like MoHH2, when clearly i have MUCH better choices available to me on the 360 or even my PS3.
I am Free.
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