well since you never got to play the game... you wouldnt notice damn near half the credits for mass effect were refrencing microsoft employees.. Mircrosoft published games will never go on another console, except for games for window.
I dont know whyanyone would waist their time with PS3 portsanyway..real consolegamers have a 360, just look at the software sales.
Well lets start with Mass Effect, the company Bioware is now owned by EA and never in a million years will EA allow Bioware to make the Mass Effect franchise exclusive on 360. Now GeOW, Epic are not owned by Microsoft they are a independant company and I am certain that GeOW will make it to the PS3 at some point.
Also Bizarre are now ownedby Activision meaning Project Gotham is also certain to appear on PS3 along with any game Bungie creates. Microsoft don't own Bungie if Bungie wanted to they can create any game they wanted to on PS3. Sure Bungie might give special treatement to Microsoft like 6 month exclusivity but they will definitely make games for the PS3.
Sure those companies might have a fanbase on 360 but that doesn't mean they can not create one for the PS3. I am honestly amazed at how much Microsoft has lost this year, they were prepared for the first quarter of this gen, lets see how theydo on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
Let me just say it one more time.
I guarantee that at some point in this gen Mass Effect, GeOW will come on PS3 along with games created by Bungie & Bizzare.
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