ok so if the ps3 "fails" which i really cant see happening scince sony has lotsa $$ and a good reputation i think its possible to for them to keep up with the next gen systems with the ps2. i mean sure it dosent have next gen graphics but neither does the wii imo and its possible they could make an updated version of the ps2 so people dont feel like its an outdated system even tho imo its not scince theres still plenty of new games comming out for it and probly still will be for awhile. take a look at the menu bar at the top of the home page wheres the xbox1 or gc there gone cause there last gen but the ps2 is still there standing strong with the next gen systems.
sony also has the psp which is increasing in sales from the price drop and will most likely continue to increase in sales from all the awsome upcomming games like FF and tales of the world. i geuss the point im trying to make is sony dosent need the ps3 to exel in sales right now so they have plenty of time to get the ps3 going so theres no rush for it to "hit the ground running" it may take it a few years to catch on but sony can hold up till it eventualy does. so that is why i think the ps3 WILL NOT fail. please people hold your applause...jk ^^. no flaming plz(i burn easily)this is just my opinion about things.
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