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Well more people are playing COD4 mp than Halo 3 mp now.kingman03
not true. cod4 was on top for a while then halo 3 takes over again. why do you think cod4 will be most played forever just cuz it was for a few days? :|
The story in Halo blows Call of Dutys cliche piece of garbage no offense. I do agree COD has the better cinematics.
Second gameplay wise id say Halo is just as good. Halo is more run and gun and COD is more tactical. However in terms of its online MP id say Halo is better. The maps well a bit annoying are balanced out and the game overall is balanced. THere are far more game modes,and additions like FOrge and THeatre.
Also THe competition on Halo 3 to me is better, mainly because the matchmaking on ranked wont let you play noobs if you get high enough on levels. once you hit the 40s no more kids(for the most part) its nothing but 4 people that 1 know each other and 2 play well as a team. I think Halo 3 in many ways is more team oriented and harder in some cases.
Also Team Swat and Griffball equal god like.
COD 4 is just as amazing game, but i dont think its better. I think its just as good in some areas, but lacking the features to put it over the top.
Also THe perks and leveling system aren't as deep as you make them sound, they are pretty simple. Just they are nice additions, its nice to get something when you put effort into the game.
Gameplay- Halo 3=COD 4
Campaign- Halo 3>COD- why? because length, coop, story, scale, and score go to Halo 3. ALthough COD 4 has the intensity and difficulty
Multiplayer- Halo 3=COD 4
Matchamking- Halo 3
Leveling System- COD 4
Depth- COD 4(but once again not alot)
Weapons- COD 4
Variety- Halo 3
Maps- COD 4(until Halo 3 gets Blackout and Avalanche :) )
Thats just my opinion.
cod4 is is halo 3.....halo 3 has a superb mp.....and so does cod4.....but cod4 is not fun when all you see on ur screen is random grenades coming at ya.......and dont say i dont know how to play a gold crossDante2710
Just becuase people have gold cross doesent meen that they are good at it i have met many gold cross that have suckd bigtime
[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"][QUOTE="rickjamesxx"]if you like a deep console shooter with balanced gameplay tons of options and a game that takes teamwork and strategy
get halo 3
if you like an unbalanced frag fest with horrible spawn points, one track tactics, no team work or skill, and easy to get kills
get cod4
lol at halo having teamwork and strategy and being balanced. i lold so hard.
try playing the game first nubyou really think you can deliver the bomb to a well guarded base without a coordinated attack? no i didnt think so
do us all a favor keep your mouth shut and save what little dignity you have left
you really need to calm down, its an internet forum, i even saw you trying to cover up your swear. Was it because you got owned so bad in the other topic you made about overrated developers.
why would i make such a comment if i haven't played the game...jesus. Ive even said countless times that ive enjoyed halo's multilplayer but the game requires absolutely no strategy or teamwork. its full of idiots on xbox live playing leeroy jenkins and just running into the enemies base. the autoaim is far more obvious than in cod4, and the fact that you can jump 10 feet in the air just makes it even more noob friendly.
btw im not a cow. just because i like the ps3 does not make me a ps3 fanboy. just because i dont like halo as much as cod4 does not make me a ps3 fanboy. get your facts straight befoe you go around accusing people.
then you say i don't know when to quit when that was the only time i ever quoted you in this thread.
[QUOTE="Always-Honest"]just be glad you enjoyed both.. there is no reason to choose
That's why these threads tend to be made by hardcore lemmings or cows. The lemming will say Halo 3 wipes the floor with COD, the cow will say the opposite. Anyone else would naturally say that they both rule, and would probably prefer one over the other due to their own personal gameplay tastes.
Nobody would own both games and make a thread like this.
cod4 definitely doesnt wipe the floor with halo 3 or vice versa. i just think cod4 is a lot better. halo has a nice multiplayer.
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