[QUOTE="hard_body79"][QUOTE="dkjestrup"]The gameplay was terrible. It wasn't innovate. The story was a jungled, complicated mess. LBP was better. It was extremely innovative, charming. Demons Souls was also great. It was refreshing, had awesome gameplay. Uncharted 2 was more deserving of a 10. Objectively, it was a masterpiece. I personally would give it a 9.5, but if I had to say which game deserved a 10, this would be it. Honestly, GTA4 and MGS4 both only deserved a 9. LBP and Demons Souls deserved a 9.5Indie_Hitman
Full agreement with your post, but I would give Demon's Souls a 10. I thinink the 9.5 for Uncharted 2 was on spot.
Also I would have given MGS4 an 8.5, I fully understand the story and it fails compaired to all other versions of MGS in the serise before it. And even tho most people hate MGS2: Son's of Liberty because of the descisions Kojima made with how and who to play with during the game, if you can understand what he was trying to do with those changes on Psycological level, you would realize that it is the true gem of the serise (story wise).
IMO MGS4 is a million years away from MGS2 story wise, but any MGS is better than pt4. Kojima begain casualizing the serise and conforming his ideas to what he though people wanted after pt2 there by limiting the greatness of MGS lore as a whole, and even tho MGS3 is still amazing game despite this fact MGS4 felt like something that couldhave been made by the average everyday cheesyvideo gamestory writerswe are use to today.
I understood MGS2- I didn't like it. The message it was putting across wasn't unique and the story was weird and frustrating. MGS4 was about ending the storyline. That's it. It wasn't meant to shock you, make you go 'HOLY ****'. It was there to end Snakes storyline and answer any unanswered questions. It did this flawlessly. The final fight at the was a beautiful finale, and that final conversation after the credits (I think it was after the credits), tied everything together perfectly. I haven't been an MGS fan for long. I played MGS1 last November, MGS2 December, MGS3 last March and MGS4 just a few weeks ago, but this whole series is above and beyond anything released this gen ( bar a couple of rare exceptions). ...I've actually forgotten what i was going to say but I'll end with - I can't wait to play Peace Walker XD.With the highlighted I can confirm that you really didn't understand the story in MGS2.
Don't say you understand MGS2 and then turn around and say it's weird or frustrating...lol there was never a moment where it was either of those to me because :shock: I understood it.
You don't have to like MGS2, but don't try to defend that opinion by saying you understand it when you obviously didn't.
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