@jcrame10: Well, if you really want to bring in comparisons, the Wii U and previous gen exclusive libraries at the same time in their respective life cycles.
@GreySeal9: yeah but if you're only comparing wii u and ps4, then ps4 has a wide variety of games, even if some of toes games are on xbox and PC. Because you are only comparing ps4 and wii u, you will have more games exclusively not on wii U than you will find games exclusive to wii u.
You don't really need to own a console if you own a gaming PC
There's a ton of great games that aren't on PC.
"A ton" is going to a bit far, "some" would be more accurate.
Going the other direction though, there are a ton of great games for PC that are not on consoles.
@GreySeal9: yeah but if you're only comparing wii u and ps4, then ps4 has a wide variety of games, even if some of toes games are on xbox and PC. Because you are only comparing ps4 and wii u, you will have more games exclusively not on wii U than you will find games exclusive to wii u.
I'm talking about games that are actually exclusive (meaning that they are only on one console). In that respect, its difficult to argue that the Wii doesn't have a stronger exclusive library. Not to mention that a few of the games on Wii U are arguably among the cream of the crop in their genre (Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, arguably Smash).
Now, if you're talking about overall libraries, then yeah, the PS4 has a much wider selection. Wii U's overall library is just too tiny to be good. If you walk into a GameSpot and go to the Wii U section, there's a very small selection of games and they're almost all expensive, so I'm not surprised the console is selling so badly.
Exclusive is not really a flexible term. A game is either exclusive or it isn't.
You don't really need to own a console if you own a gaming PC
There's a ton of great games that aren't on PC.
"A ton" is going to a bit far, "some" would be more accurate.
Disagree. I can name a ton of great games that aren't on PC, spanning from multiple generations. You might not agree with the list though.
You don't really need to own a console if you own a gaming PC
There's a ton of great games that aren't on PC.
"A ton" is going to a bit far, "some" would be more accurate.
Disagree. I can name a ton of great games that aren't on PC, spanning from multiple generations. You might not agree with the list though.
"spanning multiple generations"
That's where your point falls flat.
We're talking about the current generation of consoles, nothing else.
You don't really need to own a console if you own a gaming PC
There's a ton of great games that aren't on PC.
"A ton" is going to a bit far, "some" would be more accurate.
Disagree. I can name a ton of great games that aren't on PC, spanning from multiple generations. You might not agree with the list though.
"spanning multiple generations"
That's where your point falls flat.
We're talking about the current generation of consoles, nothing else.
You're right, to an extent, but considering these systems play previous gen games as well, through bc or streaming, maybe not so much.
You're right, to an extent, but considering these systems play previous gen games as well, through bc or streaming, maybe not so much.
They have a very limited back library currently made up of only Xbox 360 games and PlayStation 2 games, and streaming? Really? Also I can stream PSNow directly from my TV if I wanted, that's not a 'PlayStation 4' feature, not to mention it's a subscription service and you own nothing.
Disagree. I can name a ton of great games that aren't on PC, spanning from multiple generations. You might not agree with the list though.
Shit, if we're counting all generations, consoles are beast. No denying that, I'd take the full history of consoles over the full history of "legit" PC library (though let's not kid ourselves, you have far more access to old console games on PC than you do on current consoles).
But currently? As far as really good/great stuff goes? There are basically the WiiU exclusives + Bloodborne lol.
You're right, to an extent, but considering these systems play previous gen games as well, through bc or streaming, maybe not so much.
They have a very limited back library currently made up of only Xbox 360 games and PlayStation 2 games, and streaming? Really? Also I can stream PSNow directly from my TV if I wanted, that's not a PlayStation 4 feature, not to mention it's a subscription service and you own nothing.
Doesn't change the fact that you can play those games that way, and are features offered to customers. Not to mention the marketplace games you can purchase from current consoles.
The PS4 has one worthy exclusive, the Xbox One, in my estimation, so far has none. They're really pretty terrible from an exclusives standpoint (though the handhelds and Wii U, at least, are doing well on that front).
You're right, to an extent, but considering these systems play previous gen games as well, through bc or streaming, maybe not so much.
They have a very limited back library currently made up of only Xbox 360 games and PlayStation 2 games, and streaming? Really? Also I can stream PSNow directly from my TV if I wanted, that's not a PlayStation 4 feature, not to mention it's a subscription service and you own nothing.
Doesn't change the fact that you can play those games that way, and are features offered to customers. Not to mention the marketplace games you can purchase from current consoles.
Let's be realistic here, out of everything currently available on the Wii U, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 combined, the PC likely has 85% of those games just spit-balling, plus the literal tens of thousands of other games available they do not.
Thus far, my PS4 library just consists of remasters and a few indie games that I definitely could have done without, but my reason for owning all consoles (Uncharted 4) will finally be arriving in just a few short months and then hopefully my second reason (God of War 4) will arrive next year.
I think it is sad that exclusives are indeed getting more and more rare every generation. I miss the 16-bit days when the SNES and Genesis both had very different libraries from each other and even a lot of games that they had which shared the same name were completely different from each other in gameplay like if I bought Aladdin on Genesis, it was a completely different game from the version on SNES, and I loved that.
I miss those days too. Games are so expensive now that it doesnt make sense for a game to not be multiplat so they can capture sales from all market segments.
PS4 and Xbone have few exclusives, and even less that are actually worth buying/owning the console for. PC/WiiU this gen it is.
You've only played one exclusive in your whole library, your in no position to make such statements. There's many exclusives I never considered to be must-haves, I don't get a system for them but if I get a system I'll try them out anyways, and for many I end up loving them. You might be one of those people who benefits from trying new things.
PS4 is all you need to keep in terms of consoles, sell your xbox one and use a PC since all xbox games are already on PC or coming soon to PC anyways unless you really want that declining franchise called halo
Halo isn't on PC.
Forza isn't on PC.
Scalebound isn't on PC.
The Xbox One has just as many compelling games on it as the PS4. Which to someone who owns a PC is practically nothing.
Try out Sunset Overdrive, Forza 6 and Horizon 2, and Bloodbourne.
And stop complaining about games NOT being exclusive. This means more people can play them, which is good for the developers and industry.
There's a ton of great games that aren't on PC.
"A ton" is going to a bit far, "some" would be more accurate.
Disagree. I can name a ton of great games that aren't on PC, spanning from multiple generations. You might not agree with the list though.
"spanning multiple generations"
That's where your point falls flat.
We're talking about the current generation of consoles, nothing else.
You're right, to an extent, but considering these systems play previous gen games as well, through bc or streaming, maybe not so much.
PC plays more previous gen games than PS4/X1. What's your point?
Disgaea 5 and Bloodborne are worth getting.
As far as ps4 games coming that aren't going to beon xbox one that are revealed.
Ace Combat 7, Alienation, Deeep Down, Detroit: Become Human, Dragon Quest Builders, Dragon Quest Heroes 2, Dragon Quest XI, Drawn to Death, Dreams, Eve Valkyrie, EverQuest Next, Firewatch, The Forest, Gran Turismo Sport, Gran Turismo 7, Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0 (us), Yakuza 6 and 1 remake (japan), GRIP, Heart and Soul, Hellblade, a game made by hideo kojima, Horizion Zero Dawn, Invisible Inc, Kill Strain, Killing Floor 2, The King of Fighters XIV, Kingdom Under Fire 2, The Last Guardian, Liege, Matterfall, Megadimension Neptunia VII, Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom, NiOh, Nier Automata, No Man's Sky, Not A Hero, Omega Quintet, Persona 5, Ratchet and Clank, Rime, Shadow of the Beast, Shenmue 3, Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness, Street Fighter 5, Tales of Berseria, Tekken, The Tomorrow Children, Uncharted 4, Umbrella Corps, Wattam, What Remains of Eddith Finch, Wild, Without Memory, World of Final Fantasy, Ys, and Distance to name a few.
You should have just got a PS4. By the end of every gen PS consoles always have a wide variety of must play exclusives. There is really no reason to buy an xbone since M$ is bringing everything to PC and Halo sucks with 343 making it.
Sell both of them. use the profits to build a PC and you're all set. Then you just gotta buy a Wii U and then you'll have the best of both worlds.
@tushar172787: That not all games are on PC, so the claim that "you don't need consoles if you have PC" is subjective.
But the same argument works far stronger for PC...
This is one reason i never got interested in this gen of consoles. The actual exclusives they do have are just rehashes of games from last gen which were never that great to begin with. I played uncharted and really couldn't care if i ever play any sequels. Other reason was just the consoles are built on such bad hardware. You should just have invested your money in a good pc.
Even Final Fantasy games are starting to come to PC quicker these days, really owning a console is almost pointless at this point unless something you must have is on it.
I don't know why you bought both consoles either.
Agreed. Seems like OP just didn't put any thought of consoles or games. Very bizarre, but good on'em not having to worry about money.
Now imagine what it is like to be a PC gamer, and then own these consoles. It's so fucking redundant. This is easily the worst generation to be a multisystem owner or be a own them all gamer. Maybe one of the consoles, but both? Nah, and if you PC game, the PS4 can not be more pathetic, given how abysmal its exclusive lineup is outside of Bloodborne.
You don't really need to own a console if you own a gaming PC
There's a ton of great games that aren't on PC.
Depends what interests you. A few I had higher hopes with, others I lost interest before they released. I haven't turned on my PS4 in a while now, I normally keep my old systems but think I'd rather sell it. Been telling everyone I know to tell their friends $250 cash with 4 games and 100% complete with boxes/papers like new.....and no one is interested. I don't think I could give this thing away in my area.
You don't really need to own a console if you own a gaming PC
There's a ton of great games that aren't on PC.
Depends what interests you. A few I had higher hopes with, others I lost interest before they released. I haven't turned on my PS4 in a while now, I normally keep my old systems but think I'd rather sell it. Been telling everyone I know to tell their friends $250 cash with 4 games and 100% complete with boxes/papers like new.....and no one is interested. I don't think I could give this thing away in my area.
Someone who prefers Western titles will be super disappointed with the current state of console exclusives, no doubt.
I'm more in to niche Japanese games, so PS4 was a no-brainer for me to compliment Wii U. I bought an Xbox One for those exclusives Microsoft showed at E3. The wait is rough there.
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