Worst console I've ever bought. I've got Mario, Smash bros, Wiifit, RE4, Wii sports, Mario Kart, RE Chronicles, Metroid 3, Zelda TP, Endless Ocean. And I can't even be bothered to play them as I own a 360 and that gets all my playing time as even it's average games like Crackdown are better than anything on Wii.
So disappointed in Nintendo this gen, they should go software only like Sega. Dreamcast was better than Wii and that killed Sega, I don't know how Nintendo have survived with the Wii. I guess I'll sell it as Wii Music doesn't interest me at all. I would have kept it for something like F-Zero with 32 player races online, sadly Nintendo think online gaming is not important. And games like F-Zero take second place to Wii sports island or whatever it's called. You know that game were you throw a frisbee at a dog or something.
*mega sigh*
I know that by buying a Wii I'm now part of the problem, but I'm sorry, please forgive me gaming gods. I promise to only buy good consoles from now on.
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