I wish I had enough time to play all the Wii games I want, but college gets in the way of that, hehe. I still haven't even picked up Galaxy, and I still have a lot of completion stuff to do with RE4, MP3, LoZ:TP and Chocobo's Dungeon. Oh, and WiiFit is an almost daily thing for me because I do all the yoga stuff on there. And then there's Tales to look forward to as well as Arc Rise and that something-ouija-ninja-weird-name game (it's like Odin Sphere, but with ninjas) on the horizon just to name a couple.
Plus I can't get enough of the VC. It's like my childhood and the current gen all rolled in to one. hehe.
I know a lot of people really hate the direction Ninty went this gen, but I'm happy for it. I mean, sure WiiMusic looks silly and I'll be passing on that, but nothing the other consoles have to offer really appeal to me. GTA? MGS? Halo? Gears? BioShock? None of those are my style at all. Not saying they are bad (well, I think GTA is bad, but whatever), they are simply not games that I'm interested in. The only games I'm even interested in that aren't on the Wii are Diablo 3 and Street Fighter 4, which are both on the PC, so I'm set. (And don't tell me SF4 sucks on a PC, my PC is my fighting rig, as I play 3rd Strike and others online via 2DF Fighting servers.)
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