Crackdown is a very very good action game that I am njoying playing. I wish it had more story like Saints Row, but all in all its good and deserving of a 8.3 score IMHO.
PS: to people who keep crying over how long games are, get a life. Who actually sits down and times a game to see how long it is? You either enjoy it or you don;'t, but I don't give a damn how long any game is, only that I enjoyed playing it or not. I loved Oblivion and its hella long, and I enjoyed Gears of War which is kinda short. I have played long, boring games and short fantastic ones. How long it lasts doesn't really count if you had a good time playing the game. I have a life outside gaming that east up plenty and I don't always have hours and hours to play games anyway, so most games lengths are just fine for me. Crackdowns is as well.
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