[QUOTE="Coyo7e"][QUOTE="cobrax80"][QUOTE="Coyo7e"][QUOTE="cobrax80"][QUOTE="Shadow_Elite192"] There is nothing so good about the Wii 2007 lineup except 3tittles :lol: sad indeed. SSMB, MP3, SMG and well thats all.
The rest consists of:
Deweys adventure
Wing Island
Kororinpa: Marble Mania
Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party
Raid over river :lol:
Cooking Mama
There is nothing that good about the Wii 2007 lineup
360 2007 > Ps3 > Wii
intersting how you didn't even post the full list. Even though some of those games are already looking pretty good.
even with the full list I find the wii lineup less then appealing.
The Wii will never have the software to match ps3 and 360.... even a half assed game for the two real consoles will be more compelling then mario galaxy (come on, still platforming with mario?).
The only wii games I have interest in are SSX blur and mertroid prime. Probably the only two games I will buy for the wii this year, and I will wait to try SSX out before I buy it.
what do mean "match the software" If you mean by the number of games then maybe but if you are talking about better games, that is just a matter of opinion.
I mean I dont think the wii will ever have software with the diversity, and technical complexity of the other two consoles.
There will never be a great racer on the wii..... Even the 360 has and will have a larger library of RPG's.
All the wii has is the controler going for it, and the most we will see for that are some clever ideas that are fun.
Wii is getting at least one survival horror game I am really intersted in but it will never have the number the other two consoles have.
It will never be able to take us places the other two can....
Games like alan wake and mass effect.
Clever ideas for the wiimote is all we can expect. And a few nintendo titles that represent nothing new at all but all the sheep THINK its new becouse now they wave their arms around like idiots rather then press a button.
Hey, the Wii just came out, to say it will never have games like that is just not right. Do you own a wii?
ya and I played LoZ TP and liked it. Not GOTY liked it but it was cool.
after having fun with wii sports (buddy and I liked boxing) the system just doesnt do it for me at all.
Only game I know I will buy this year is the new metriod prime, and maybe ssx blur after I try it out.
If the wii was going to have the kinds of games I wanted they would already be showing some promise. They arent....
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