[QUOTE="PS3Fanaddict"][QUOTE="PS3Fanaddict"]prove it, that you have a ps3clone01cuz its not even in your sig you don't have anything in your sig either. but he does, thats my point
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[QUOTE="PS3Fanaddict"][QUOTE="PS3Fanaddict"]prove it, that you have a ps3clone01cuz its not even in your sig you don't have anything in your sig either. but he does, thats my point
Why would you do something so silly. lol I find this hard to believe, there again i suppose you need to have both to understand which is superior. Guess you fell for all the over the top hype sony fans keep spreading. Just trade in the PS3 and snag a 360 if you can't afford both.
That is if this topics even for real, to hard to believe osmeone would trade a 360 for a PS3 tbh
[QUOTE="PS3Fanaddict"][QUOTE="clone01"] you don't have anything in your sig either.clone01but he does, thats my point no, but warhawk, a sony PS3 title is in his sig. what's in yours? how do we even know you own a PS3? k well i didnt see that there before
um pretty dumb move why sell your PS3 for a 360? .......why not get both like me plus u dont lose its a win win situation:)
man, i know sometimes ppl post fake threads but we really don't trust each other in here guys. kinda sad. we're all gamers right? can't we debate our preferences but end up saying "hey i can't play ToV looks cool i hope you enjoy it"
i know its cheesy but come on guys we're all in the same boat overall, just some of us like to push ppl in the lake.
so plz put your hand out so they can get back in the boat... lol
seriously though guys we sound paranooid
this shudnt be anything new, i mean this IS system WARS right? 90% of the time threads are full of disagreements, and arguments over wat is opinion and wat is fact, those kind of threads go nowhere fast.wow ten posts without someone saying blog it i'm impressed it got that long
how do i prove i own a ps3? err, other than my sig feel free to add PSN ilovelucy (hey its my GF's name, lucy and i kinda wasn't taking the whole PSN name seriously when i made it) and my MGO name is snakebeater i've got a good 100 hours in MGO and 40 or so in Warhawk i enjoyed the shallow but non stop fun of crash commando as well, albeit i put it down for weeks at a time and pick it back up for hours and hours
to be fair my second 360 in a month from the gamecrazy i bought it at had rrod, no lie. really. i'm not trying to sound like i'm lieing its te truth. i got an arcade, after 2 weeks of non-stop playing it rrod, three lights so i took it back and exchanged it (i worked at the gamecrazy at the time), then after about a month of non stop playing that arcade it rrod, and i sold it for a ps3 as i only had wifi in the house so i couldn't use XBL coz 360 was very far away from my router, and i wanted warhawk. you ever get in one of those moods where you have to buy smething? it looks so cool you gotta have it? yea i needed warhawk and for the most part i really liked it
but i don't y buy BR, buy DVDs usually and i want games like VP, Banjo, Gears, Castle Crashers, Geometry Wars, Fable 2, i know there isn't a whole lot of 360 exclusives i can't get on ps3 OR pc, but another huge factor is,... all my friends have 360s and play live and i can't convince them to get ps3s and i have 3 ppl i actually know on PSN, one nice person who is very SuPER.
why would a level 28 have to prove i own something? i don't think anything soundy fishy, why would a level 28 ruin their entire account just to start fake stuff? i know ppl do, but i'm not sabotaging 2 years + of work. i've been a nintendo fan most, with PC really bringing me joy, and Xbox and PS third behind those
if anything i'd be a WiiS3PCDS kinda guy! but seriously does anyone know if that 360 price cut rumor started by loot ninja had any truth?
so u love casual games? ok.....being level 28 or any higher level mean you are enlightened...ive seen plenty of bozo's in sw that are higher level....fanboyism seem to do that to people....i just thought ps3 would get exclusives to my tastes so far LBP & MGS4 r the few ive really loved. 360 just has amassed a library that suites me more than ps3. sorry youll say blog it but 360 delivered. any one know if that price drop rumor started by loot ninja may be true?darth-pyschosissell your ps3 and get a 360
I hear this quite often. I actually didn't have a 360 for a short period of time, mainly because I refused to deal with the issues that plagued them after being so annoyed by it. As time went on, I just couldn't be a gamer and not own the 360. Even though exclusives on the system haven't been coming out left and right, I have always enjoyed playing multiplats on the 360 much more. It's a preference. I hate the DualShock 3 and the PSN. I only use my PS3 when I absolutely must, and that's for the exclusives. When there aren't exclusives, any and all multiplats are purchased on 360, so therefore 360 gets the most use on the console front. The PS3 just doesn't cut it. It's not that the games are bad, but the fact that I dislike the controller and online infrastructure.
I hear this quite often. I actually didn't have a 360 for a short period of time, mainly because I refused to deal with the issues that plagued them after being so annoyed by it. As time went on, I just couldn't be a gamer and not own the 360. Even though exclusives on the system haven't been coming out left and right, I have always enjoyed playing multiplats on the 360 much more. It's a preference. I hate the DualShock 3 and the PSN. I only use my PS3 when I absolutely must, and that's for the exclusives. When there aren't exclusives, any and all multiplats are purchased on 360, so therefore 360 gets the most use on the console front. The PS3 just doesn't cut it. It's not that the games are bad, but the fact that I dislike the controller and online infrastructure.
I'm glad I have both 360 and PS3 but I agree with ya 100%
One should never sell a console for another, especially if you consider yourself a multi-generational gamer.
i just thought ps3 would get exclusives to my tastes so far LBP & MGS4 r the few ive really loved. 360 just has amassed a library that suites me more than ps3. sorry youll say blog it but 360 delivered. any one know if that price drop rumor started by loot ninja may be true?darth-pyschosisIf this post was made a year ago I could understand it.....but now? You think the X360 has had better exclusives for the past 6 months and even the rest of the year? Why would you care if the PS3 is having a price drop if you already own one (and are unhappy with it)?
[QUOTE="ZoomZoom2490"]The fanboyism is strong in this post.if u dont own the 360 the only game you are missing out is Halo3.
so what r these 360 games u talking about that you wish you never sold the x360? halo wars and the empty list of 09 exclusives?
TC is faking.
I dont see how it was fanboyism, the 360 really dont have any good game besides Halo 3, everything else I can get on the PS3!
Whats your PSN id? We've had this conversation before you know :|
ilovelucy is my PSN, i also have one called aggro_KEV
Haha, I didn't know you were ilovelucy. You're on my FL on PSN. :P
if u dont own the 360 the only game you are missing out is Halo3.
so what r these 360 games u talking about that you wish you never sold the x360? halo wars and the empty list of 09 exclusives?
TC is faking.
The fanboyism is strong in this post.I dont see how it was fanboyism, the 360 really dont have any good game besides Halo 3, everything else I can get on the PS3!
your PS3 can play Gears 2, Mass Effect, Left 4 Dead, Banjo Nuts and Bolts, and Fable 2?[QUOTE="Shattered007"][QUOTE="PS3Fanaddict"] cuz its not even in your sigPS3FanaddictLOL, PS_John would love you. why is that Because he wouldn't have had to go though all that trouble to try and lie about his ownership of a PS3.
Whats your PSN id? We've had this conversation before you know :|
ilovelucy is my PSN, i also have one called aggro_KEV
Haha, I didn't know you were ilovelucy. You're on my FL on PSN. :P
really? awesome. i knw superbeard and ax7rocker from here on PSN whats your name? i have added too many ppl who play one match with me in warhawk to keep track of the good ones.
My god some of the PS3 fanboys on this thread have been a complete disgrace! " Prove you own the PS3" "Fake Boy" "Your Full of it" Uncalled for attacks on another member of the forum who has been here awhile its disgusted me! But what do you expect from the scum of the video game industry 'HARDCORE' fanboys :( Timbury
yea. i can be stupid sometimes with my posts i know but i never mean to flame, or bash or anything but things happen
i don't care if they think i'm fake this thread is just to say i regret selling a console i had which ended up having the games i wanted
i let things get blown out of proportion in my mind, like rrod, and made small issues bigger than they needed to be. i ddin't think that i didn't buy cheap DVDs before having a ps, so why would i buy more expensive BR? the PS3 has good stuff to offer, but there are sure to be ppl who appreciate it what it does more than me.. i've learned my lesson to never sell another game console for another. to try to hold out, no matter how long the drought can get, so that when that one piece of software comes out its instantly worth spendnig the $ for the console.
if and only if a game like that never comes for that system (not saying in general there are plenty of AAA games some of us just can't get into right? could be amazing all around good but if you can't make yourself play it thats ok, doesn't mean you hate it or its bad it just isn't for you at that moment) if a game worth owning a console never comes, then i shold be upset but not by small issues
summary folks: you don't know what you've got until its gone, and just let whichever console collect dust, something will come for it
I made the same mistake sold my 360 BUT im not made of money so it was one or the other + im to much of a PC gamer to play 2 Consoles! i got a PS3 in the end so i could play with my closer freinds.Never sell a console to buy another one, that's all i can say.
[QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"]i just thought ps3 would get exclusives to my tastes so far LBP & MGS4 r the few ive really loved. 360 just has amassed a library that suites me more than ps3. sorry youll say blog it but 360 delivered. any one know if that price drop rumor started by loot ninja may be true?darthogreIf this post was made a year ago I could understand it.....but now? You think the X360 has had better exclusives for the past 6 months and even the rest of the year? Why would you care if the PS3 is having a price drop if you already own one (and are unhappy with it)?
1st. i ask if the 360 was getting its somewhat rumored price drop
2nd it doesn't matter that the ps3 is filled with games YOU like, i'm saying that though there is a good amount of software that could very easily be considered quality stuff, unfortuanetly alot of it just doesn't suite my tastes right now and for the entire duration of owning my 80GB PS3 (since jan 08)
i owned GTA4, folklore, ratchet, pixeljunk monsters, civ rev, MGS4, LBP and skate on it all are good games but i went thru them quick with the expection of warhawk and MGO those are nice, i like MGO better though
about the last 6 months, yes i'd like to have braid, castle crashers, gears 2, banjo, fable 2 more than R2, KZ2, LBP, crash commando in the last 6 months
doesn't mean i want to give those ps3 games up, i just want the 360 ones a bit more
those aren't by any means the only good games on either platforms in 6 months, valkyrie is a good strategy game, i thought the demo was good, i just couldn't get into it after renting it. quality stuff there though. some of my buddies were addicted to it
summary: we all have diffrent tastes, so the best bet is to own them all if you can, or make the bst gaming decision you can live with for years
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