I can't watch some fat, goofy neckbeard on youtube. What's the real problem with the game?
He couldn't tell you because he doesn't play fighting games, his own words.
I can't watch some fat, goofy neckbeard on youtube. What's the real problem with the game?
He couldn't tell you because he doesn't play fighting games, his own words.
I didn’t pick it up, but only because I’m on vacation this week and away from my PS4 and X. (I did bring my Switch, but don’t want to take the hits that version entails.)
@uninspiredcup: that may be the case with street fighter, no XMEN in mvc4 sucked ass tho
Basically if they diddnt have a big motion picture they were canned.
I just expect more from any series, it should be better than the final version of the previous entry. SFV imo was not.
I'm more of a tekken fan anyway and felt the same way after going from tag tournament 2 to tekken 7.
TTT2 is still has a much superior roster to tekken 7. Its annoying, sequals should be better
@misrespect: Will not buy. I am very anti censorship, pro free speech (even for feminists which I can't stand, and consider public enemy#1).
Will not buy. I loved the old character designs. I don't want political bullshit, and I am a moderate independent, but free speech, gun rights, freedom, and logic trumps bullshit idpol which is cancer.
Get woke go broke, I won't buy. Didn't buy Battlefield 5, and I loved battlefield and ww2 games.
Getting days gone, and a bunch of switch ports in the next few months (resident evil , ff12, etc...)
As for fighters, I already have mk10, street fighter 4 and 5, soul caliber6, I don't need anymore. Hell I haven't even really jumped into soul caliber yet, and that is my favorite fighter.
@KBFloYd: "and if i suck balls ill sell it :P"
Come again?
With his avatar are you really surprised? Lol
@uninspiredcup: SFV was trash at launch, complete barebones rip off, worse roster this gen of any fighting game. The updated version later would have been appropriate at launch.
The launch was a joke and it really hurt the SF fan base, it was worse than 4 in almost everyway at launch
The Arcade edition I got on sale for $20 and it was an absolute steal! I love it, and I hated sf4, I bought that too on ps4 the ultimate editon or something for cheap and it doesn't have a story mode at all. Ton of characters but it's like playing in an arcade cabinet not a full console game. Also the combos are hard as hell to pull of in sf4. Sf5 was and is amazing.
I also so love the character designs in Sf5, as well as SC6, especially Cammy, R.Mika, Laura, chun-li, and Sophitia(sc6)….mmmmmh. Sophitia is a fox!! In before "ewww, gross, yikes, sexist, xist, whaaaaaa mysoggyknees, how could you like female characters ...reeeeeeeee" (to be fair, Ken, Guile, Ryu, and Nash are all attractive, but I don't look at men that way, but if I did, they would be on my list).
Wasn't planning on getting it full price, waiting for the complete edition. Though I might skip it since I'm not interested in games that takes forever to unlock things just for you to spend money.
I'm not sexually attracted to 3D characters so I don't care about them wearing clothes or not.
I bought it just yesterday. It's just as awesome as I hoped it would be!! I'm pretty disappointed about the lack of customization though. I was hoping that it would take the customization straight from Injustice 2. That's my only complaint so far.
Bought it and enjoying it so far. /shurg I never even noticed the female fighters being covered and don't really care. It only bothers me if the developers would of chosen to have undressed fighters and then Sony or Microsoft telling them to change it. It was the developers choice and so be it in this case.
It's sad that what's now developers choice is considered "caving into dem SJW's".
I can't watch some fat, goofy neckbeard on youtube. What's the real problem with the game?
There's nothing wrong. MK11 is by far the best fighting game I'm enjoying of 2019 and NRS totally nailed it this time.
Agree, it's new mechanics and pacing is far more fun than X, seems like a solid replacement for V, assuming it doesn't die off.
He is mad because he can't see some side boobs is that it?
It basically boils down to
- A 20 second non-cannon ending where Jax is "woke", which to be fair, is absolute cringe. Basically pandering to pink haired Restera Polygon freaks
- A reference to Trump
- Woman wearing clothes, which are actually closer to the original designs
Really, nothing worth getting upset about once you actually play it. not even 1% of the game.
He is mad because he can't see some side boobs is that it?
It basically boils down to
- A 20 second non-cannon ending where Jax is "woke", which to be fair, is absolute cringe. Basically pandering to pink haired Restera Polygon freaks
- A reference to Trump
- Woman wearing clothes, which are actually closer to the original designs
Really, nothing worth getting upset about once you actually play it. not even 1% of the game.
Nailed it. Great game with some stupid crap added, but developers choice.
Aside from some nonsense about Jax's ending and alleged pricing tactics for unlockables, haven't seen/heard much controversy. Can't imagine either would have much impact on that target audiences buying decisions.
Aside from some nonsense about Jax's ending and alleged pricing tactics for unlockables, haven't seen/heard much controversy. Can't imagine either would have much impact on that target audiences buying decisions.
The Steam forums are flooding with threads at such a rate, almost as soon as a thread is posted it's pushed a page back by people basically saying the exact same shit in desperate cries for attention. Also getting review bombed (which as a practice i'm not actually against just as a note)..
Stuff like The Quartering, a dumb ass who doesn't even play fighting games in the first place, but jumps on the bandwagon are basically fueling it. He has a large audience and claimed it was "censorship" when it was most likely Warn Bros trying to hide spoilers ahead of release.
The main reason I don't get the game is because they screwed over PC gamers the last time by not releasing new DLC on it. So MK11 is a no-go. But even without that history I don't like the HipHop style and the ******** changes to the outfits.
Aside from some nonsense about Jax's ending and alleged pricing tactics for unlockables, haven't seen/heard much controversy. Can't imagine either would have much impact on that target audiences buying decisions.
The Steam forums are flooding with threads at such a rate, almost as soon as a thread is posted it's pushed a page back by people basically saying the exact same shit in desperate cries for attention. Also getting review bombed (which as a practice i'm not actually against just as a note)..
Stuff like The Quartering, a dumb ass who doesn't even play fighting games in the first place, but jumps on the bandwagon are basically fueling it. He has a large audience and claimed it was "censorship" when it was most likely Warn Bros trying to hide spoilers ahead of release.
The quartering guy is just another angry woman hating incel.
The type of dude who thought his "captain marvel" protest would actually hurt the movie.
Guys!! Check out Metacritic user scores on MK11!! They're hilariously low!!! Everyone is bit ching about the same thing. Online microtransactions. 500+ 0/10's REALLY??
Aside from some nonsense about Jax's ending and alleged pricing tactics for unlockables, haven't seen/heard much controversy. Can't imagine either would have much impact on that target audiences buying decisions.
The Steam forums are flooding with threads at such a rate, almost as soon as a thread is posted it's pushed a page back by people basically saying the exact same shit in desperate cries for attention. Also getting review bombed (which as a practice i'm not actually against just as a note)..
Stuff like The Quartering, a dumb ass who doesn't even play fighting games in the first place, but jumps on the bandwagon are basically fueling it. He has a large audience and claimed it was "censorship" when it was most likely Warn Bros trying to hide spoilers ahead of release.
The quartering guy is just another angry woman hating incel.
The type of dude who thought his "captain marvel" protest would actually hurt the movie.
I don't think he's even that, put him in the same category of Jim Sterling and Keemstar where it's disingenuous attachment to outrage as that's what gets the clicks.
“Despite being almost three decades old, the Mortal Kombat series is more popular than ever. David Haddad, the president of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, announced that Mortal Kombat 11 has had the best launch in the franchise’s history.”
The vocal minority being out of touch with reality strikes again
This is a gaming journalist, who's paid money.
In an age when fighting games are steadily moving away from storytelling to focus on the competitive side,
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