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Nah dawg, it's called the Xbox 360 because the consumer buys it from Micorsoft, ships it back to Microsoft for fixes, and then receives it from Microsoft could say the infamous:
"they call it a 360 because you turn 360 degrees and walk away"
Also, TC, I used to be in a position similar to yours. One fall-back line I used to love to use was how Resistance: FoM can support 40 players without lag, but Gears of War couldn't support 8 without lagging. And they're paying a yearly fee for it!
you could say the infamous:
"they call it a 360 because you turn 360 degrees and walk away"
He better know how to moonwalk if he's going to deliver that joke.:lol:
:lol: I remember that thread.
*high Fives Seabas*
Oh yeah, good ol' oldies are here to stay! :P
I own a PS3.
90% of the school owns a 360.
I am made fun of for owning a PS3. Why? I don't know. I understand that the consoles are practically the same, exluding exclusives. They do not. They say that 360's graphics are better, its games are better, and its online is better. I've tried bringing up that PS3 has Uncharted 2, but they said that offline games are for, well, an inappropiate term.
I'm tired of this ****. I own a PS3 and I'm damn proud.
So what should I say that will help me put up a fight in this real life system war?
In real life, I don't argue video games too much, but I'm very snappy and quick witted. I'm that funny guy at parties
I do like to have friendly debates with guys at the pub, school, or work, but only for fun.:P
As far as Uncharted 2, it has Multiplayer, so go own them with that.:P
Bring up Bioshock 1's greatness to let them know MP isn't needed for greatness.
Also, winning a videogame argument won't win over the chicks, so I wouldn't push to hard for a victory.:P
Go the music route or sports route man, lot's of ladies those directions.:)
Arguing about Sports or Music is a great way to save face but still get your debating out of the way for the day.:P
EDIT : Yay, a fellow HBK fan!!! :shock: :)
Not if I am one of those sweaty men in underoos grappling! ;)
Honestly, It's something to talk about at work and the pub, along with Football, UFC, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, etc. You'd be surprised at the athletics and comedy involved.
if you are being made fun of cause you like a diffrent console, to me thats pathetic.I used to get it for being a bassist yet they always would beg you to form a band with them cuz no1 playz bass! xD
High school is just a waste ignore it and just say is that the best you can come up with ripping me cause i prefer a diffrent console then go pff and walk away.
And food for thought high school pupils tend to act like sheep to fit in....i never did and i actually have done better than half those people xD.
I own a PS3.
90% of the school owns a 360.
I am made fun of for owning a PS3. Why? I don't know. I understand that the consoles are practically the same, exluding exclusives. They do not. They say that 360's graphics are better, its games are better, and its online is better. I've tried bringing up that PS3 has Uncharted 2, but they said that offline games are for, well, an inappropiate term.
I'm tired of this ****. I own a PS3 and I'm damn proud.
So what should I say that will help me put up a fight in this real life system war?
You stand out in a good way. They probably just got 360's because their friends got one. Dont take it too serious, talk about games with friends that arent fanboys.Can't think of any, maybe they have some good ones at :P
EDIT: :lol: people take games way too serious. People here, are consoling TC now?
lol the trey guys on youtube have some interesting "facts" and opinions.
but they said that offline games are for, well, an inappropiate term.Razor-LazorThis worries me. What have younger gamers become?
Oh, how the times have changed. Back in my day, even owning a PS1 made you a nerd. These days the cool thing to do on a weekend is have a 10 hour rockband session.Just ignore them.
They'll make fun of you even more if you start to have a console debate in school, teens in school see that as nerdy and uncool.
Say "I looked it up on teh interwebs and all my forum buddies said I should ignore you" that should stop their taunting
Just say, "Have fun paying for batteries, online, Wi-Fi, HD DVD players, RROD repairs, and crappy headsets." While you have all of that, or better for free.
Just tell them that the Xbox ain't got no games, and that you get all the honeys with a PS Triple in your Caddy.
Ladies and gentlemen...the Halo generation. This is what next gen consoles have done for gaming., but they said that offline games are for, well, an inappropiate term.Razor-Lazor
graphics are better
Say that it's not true. PS3 has the best looking console games from UC2, KZ2 and soon GOW3.
its games are better
Matter of taste
and its online is better
But you have to pay for it.
And mention drop the RROD casualy...
Ask them how many times they've had to send in their 360 for repairs. /discussionjalexbrown
That will shut them up. :lol:
I own a PS3.
90% of the school owns a 360.
I am made fun of for owning a PS3. Why? I don't know. I understand that the consoles are practically the same, exluding exclusives. They do not. They say that 360's graphics are better, its games are better, and its online is better. I've tried bringing up that PS3 has Uncharted 2, but they said that offline games are for, well, an inappropiate term.
I'm tired of this ****. I own a PS3 and I'm damn proud.
So what should I say that will help me put up a fight in this real life system war?
Thats just racist, 90% owns 360 and what makes it extreme racism they are making fun of your PS3, call the authorities.
Or just invite them to come a website called gamespot and enter a board called SW, there are cyber bullies you know PS3 fanboys will own them hard.
If you want a real comeback, just say something about their mother or their penis and laugh at them hard even if its a bad attempt for a joke.
[spoiler] Something between the lines of "I just had sex with your mother, you go have sex with your 360" and big loud laugh after that. [/spoiler]
I own a PS3.
90% of the school owns a 360.
I am made fun of for owning a PS3. Why? I don't know. I understand that the consoles are practically the same, exluding exclusives. They do not. They say that 360's graphics are better, its games are better, and its online is better. I've tried bringing up that PS3 has Uncharted 2, but they said that offline games are for, well, an inappropiate term.
I'm tired of this ****. I own a PS3 and I'm damn proud.
So what should I say that will help me put up a fight in this real life system war?
'I am not a real gamer and have no clue,' Perfect thing to say to ypur classmates...
never argue with idiots, they'll bring you down to thier level and beat you with experience.
If that doesnt work may I suggest gun duel...nothing solves an argument like a good ol fashioned quick draw showdown at noon.
Yeah, his classmates should know better
kids at high school generally know nothing about video games other than they play them and trying to have a serious conversation with them will go nowhere. there is still a sophmore i knew who will swear that he has forza 3 for his DSiferret-gamer
That hurts my 14-year old soul.
I own a PS3.
90% of the school owns a 360.
I am made fun of for owning a PS3. Why? I don't know. I understand that the consoles are practically the same, exluding exclusives. They do not. They say that 360's graphics are better, its games are better, and its online is better. I've tried bringing up that PS3 has Uncharted 2, but they said that offline games are for, well, an inappropiate term.
I'm tired of this ****. I own a PS3 and I'm damn proud.
So what should I say that will help me put up a fight in this real life system war?
Tell them to STFU or you'r gonna give them a RROD...
Best i could come up with :D
I own a PS3.
90% of the school owns a 360.
I am made fun of for owning a PS3. Why? I don't know. I understand that the consoles are practically the same, exluding exclusives. They do not. They say that 360's graphics are better, its games are better, and its online is better. I've tried bringing up that PS3 has Uncharted 2, but they said that offline games are for, well, an inappropiate term.
I'm tired of this ****. I own a PS3 and I'm damn proud.
So what should I say that will help me put up a fight in this real life system war?
They haven't learnt the lessons from Radeon HD 4670(320 SP, 8 ROPs) vs Radeon HD 3870 (320 SP, 16 ROPS). Ultimately, both consoles are limited to 8 ROPs.Just stick by your guns. I don't think anyone in their right mind could honestly saysomething like Halo 3 has better graphics than Uncharted 2. These kids sound like casuals to me. They only play Xbox and online games, right? Well, we call those newbs around here. Uncharted 2, for example, does have multiplayer... and it's free... and the community is pretty mature. The whiny kids you have to listen to whileplaying Halo and Modern Warfare, not so much. Don't worry, you'll have a huge advantage over these kids in a few years. It already seems like you're smarter than them and know more about games. If they give you a hard time just invite them over to see what blu-ray is like. If they still run their mouths then just beat the crap out of em :P
I own a PS3.
90% of the school owns a 360.
I am made fun of for owning a PS3. Why? I don't know. I understand that the consoles are practically the same, exluding exclusives. They do not. They say that 360's graphics are better, its games are better, and its online is better. I've tried bringing up that PS3 has Uncharted 2, but they said that offline games are for, well, an inappropiate term.
I'm tired of this ****. I own a PS3 and I'm damn proud.
So what should I say that will help me put up a fight in this real life system war?
In real life, I don't argue video games too much, but I'm very snappy and quick witted. I'm that funny guy at parties
I do like to have friendly debates with guys at the pub, school, or work, but only for fun.:P
As far as Uncharted 2, it has Multiplayer, so go own them with that.:P
Bring up Bioshock 1's greatness to let them know MP isn't needed for greatness.
Also, winning a videogame argument won't win over the chicks, so I wouldn't push to hard for a victory.:P
Go the music route or sports route man, lot's of ladies those directions.:)
Arguing about Sports or Music is a great way to save face but still get your debating out of the way for the day.:P
EDIT : Yay, a fellow HBK fan!!! :shock: :)
Just come back with 'bu bu bu teh RROD (the ONLY comeback a cow can come up with)' I'm wondering whos worse your classmates or the people that post in this forum....
Tell em
You know why they call it the 360? because when you see it you turn 360 degrees and walk away.
if that doesn't work tell them
You know why they call it the 360? because when you see it you turn over 9000 degrees and walk away.
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