I'm looking at PS3's hardware and I'm really not sure it's going to "Blow 360 away in a year."
First of all, people areassuming 360 will remain static and will never see advances in graphical quality.PS3 will then see major leaps in graphical quality,even though it has really gimped ram and a really poor gpu.This is the general consensus of Cows, and non-Cows, around this website. In a years time, PS3 multiplats will look better, exclusives will make 360 look like PS2, BluRay will allow for bigger-better games.
What hidden power does the PS3 have up it's sleeve that Developers are going to magically discover and blow 360 away? The Cell? :roll: RSX? :lol: The onlyHardware advantage PS3 has is BluRay, which allows PS3 to watch BluRay movies. That's it. The storage capacity is meaningless since all you'd have to do is swap a DVD9 every so often. That's why I bought mine. To watch 300 in high-def.
Look at the difference we saw with Xbox and PS2. Coming out one year after PS2, Xbox destroyed PS2 graphically by leaps and bounds. Complete massacre as far as graphics were concerned. You saw better quality with Xbox multiplats.
PS3 is out one year after 360... and most multiplats have framerate issues, look worse, run poorly... and you're telling me in a year, developers "WilL DiSCoVER TEh PoWEA Of TeH CeLL!!!" and unlock 120 fps and better graphics that make 360 look like N64?
Please school his confused Hermit.
Well, first off the PS3's gpu is far from gimp. Sure the 360 has a better gpu, but it is not head and shoulders better. Now on the flip side--the PS3's cpu is a beast, wheras the 360's is strong but cannot calculate the amount of complex operations that the PS3 can handle. In this department, the PS3 blows everything out of the water.
I am not going to discuss blu-ray, as that is for another discussion.
On to why people think the power will come. Look at the architechtures, the 360 is very similar to PC and thus easy to work on. Many games that have recently come out have been touted at using somewhere around 60-75% of the total power the 360 has. Now look at the PS3--the architechture is very different--thus making the transition over to coding for this system harder and thus takes more time to harness the power.
So what does this mean for the PS3--look at Lair (I know that game scored low because everyone hates the controls)--from a technical show piece it is absolutely stunning. Factor 5 has stated that they have tapped into about 30-40% of the PS3's total power. Look at Uncharted (due out this holiday)--it looks mind blowingly amazing and the devs said when they are finished they have estimated that they have tapped into 40-50% of the total power.
What does this all mean?
360--easier to dev for, games look better early on, power tapped quicker.
PS3--harder to dev for, games look comparable to 360 or better on 360 early on, right now they look the same or slightly better on PS3 with less of the power tapped, power tapped latter, once poweris tapped on both systems--games will always look better on PS3 from there on out as it offers more horsepower under the hood.
In the long run, arewe ever going to see the PS3 blow the 360 out of the water?Doubtful. It will look better, but I would not think that it is going to make the 360 look last gen. Oh, and did the xbox blow the PS2 out of the water? Not really, youkind of overexaggerated that.Sure the xbox looked better, but it was not that much more. I would expect the PS3 to look better than the 360 anda little more so than the xbox did when compared to the PS2.
Side note: Don't just think about graphics when we are talking about things being better on PS3. They canuse the power tobeef up the physics, more guys on the screen, longer draw distances, better the AI,better bloom lighting, better HDR, etc. Many things gointo making games "look" better. It is not always just the graphics. Actually that has a lot to do with why GeoW looks so great. They never had many guys on screen at once, the draw distance was very small, and there was never a wholeheck of a lotgoing on screen at once...due to this--they could really beef up the visuals, as they did not have to use up processing power in long draw distances, crazy physics, many guys on screen, etc.
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