I don't see a difference either. People always claim that the 360 has superior multi-plats. Although I have both a 360 and PS3, I choose to get my multi-plats on the PS3 for a few reasons.
I don't subscribe to Xbox Live, so I like having the option to play the games online if they support online multi-player. I also like having all my games on 1 disc rather than multiple discs if I have the choice. Blu ray discs are also scratch resistant, and overall much more durable than DVDs are. I take great care of my discs and games, but it is just nice to know you have that extra durability. I tend to prefer the Dual Shock 3 over the 360 game pad. Neither controller really gives me hand cramps or anything, but I am just so used to using the Dual Shock design after all these years that it just feels so familiar. While sometimes people claim that the 360 versions of games have a better looking rock texture or 2, I honestly don't really care about that. Most of my friends are on PSN, and only a few of my friends have Xbox Live subscriptions, so I just prefer to be on PSN playing games. It doesn't even matter if the game is online or offline, I just like being on PSN so my friends can see what games I am playing and I can see what games they are playing. Xbox Live is just empty to me, and I only play on Xbox 360 if I have to.
While games like Skyrim are indeed far superior on the 360 than the PS3, a better looking texture here or there is not even close to substantial enough to persuade me to get the 360 version over the PS3 version after I take all of the things I mentioned earlier into consideration. Not to mention, a lot of the multi-platform games that I bought for the PS3 actually have significant improvements over the 360 version, features that are actually worth mentioning.
For example, Bioshock was released with an additional difficulty setting on the PS3 version, along with improved textures, but like I said, I don't really care about a few textures here and there, but the added difficulty option is nice. Eternal Sonata for the PS3 expands on the package as a whole with new cutscenes, characters, dungeons and what appears to be even more challenge when compared to the 360 version. Final Fantasy XIII is just a visual difference, along with the loading times, but I heard that the cutscenes on the 360 version aren't even in HD which is pretty significant if you ask me. Portal 2, along with all future Valve games, have Steam integration on the PS3, allowing PSN players to play with PC and Mac users as well as PSN users, while the 360 doesn't support Steam integration. I can't play fighting games on the 360 because of the D-pad, I just can't pull off moves like I can with the Dual Shock 3.
So I mean, a rock texture here and there is just not enough to persuade me to get the 360 version over the PS3 version. In order to really make a difference, I need additional content and features, or a complete performance upgrade like Skyrim. If you want to see real graphical differences on multi-platform games, don't compare the 360 and the PS3, compare the consoles to the PC. That's when you will see a real difference. With things like anti-aliasing, higher resolutions, antistropic filtering, v-sync, no screen tearing, solid 60 frames per second performance, improved lighting and shader technology, that's when you will see a real difference. It always makes me laugh when people compare 360 and PS3 multi-plats visually, it is such a waste of time. The only differences between console multi-plats worth mentioning are features and content.
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