I'm going to put away my fanboy and be honest with you, I don't see a difference either. The differences between PS3 and 360mulitplats are so insignificalntly small that 99% of the time you can even tell the difference between the two versions of the game.
Even if you use sites like Digital Foundry which nit pick things, many of thier findings are invisible to the naked eye so it's just a pointless waste of time comparing them.
some multiplats I played on both systems:
RDR-Little difference between the two, and I did my own comparison with this one. The supposed "sub HD" isn't even really noticible, wasn't much of a difference between the two versions.
GTA4-Little to no difference
Oblivion-Cows say it's better on PS3, I hardly saw a difference other than the PS3 version seemed toload a little faster, that was it.
Bioshock-Couldn't tell a damn difference
Batman AA- Didn't see a difference
Every COD-Hardly saw a differnce, 360 version though I noticed seemed to have slightly better lighting, but that could have just been my friends TV
RE 5-No difference
Fallout 3 (after patch)-Very little difference between the two
Splinter Celll Double Agent-Only game I ever played where I saw a major difference, framerate was significialntly lower on PS3 and it had worse charecter designs, but the environement graphics looked more detailed than 360 and it had extra content
Skyrim-No lag for me so I didn't see a difference
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