i own 2 blue ray movies, and i went to sell them on gamestop, they said they will only give me $1 for each, i was like wtf? lol
1 dollar LOL Gamestop is for chumps. Ever heard of Ebay. It's where you can actually get good money for your used stuff. You can easily sell a used BluRay film for 15 dollars on Ebay dude. That includes games and what not. Never ever sell your stuff to Gamestop or EB games or any games store period. Thats how they make money by paying pennies for used stuff and then selling them for a premium. Always always use Ebay. Just some food for thought.
It is a rip-off if you own the movie on dvd. Since older movies turned into blu-ray are remastered, and don't look as good as movies filmed with HD cameras.
So don't buy a remastered movie, only newer ones.
That's not true at all. Film has a higher resolution than digital HD cameras.
Thats right film is 3 times the resolution of HD camera. Imax films are 5-6 times the resolution of HD. Wake up
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