I cant help but lol @ all the Skyrim fans denying the massive amount of bugs in this game :lol:.
God I wish I had a capture device so I could record all the numerous bugs. I could easily fill an hour long youtube video. The floating rocks everywhere, to massive portions of the water textures missing in lakes (the "water" is a flat texture, and entire sections of lakes would have the texture missing. You would see the water texture just stop, and about 30 feet away from you it would start again, and your character would STILL do a swimming animation while floating in mid air because a lake was supposed to be there).
Oh, and the insane and incredibly frequent framerate drops (which are big enough a bother for this to be mentioned). To some quests straight up being broken and having to rely on exploits just to proceed, etc...
I never understand the hardcore fans of games who deny things like this when it is widely known that the game is a glitch filled mess (which almost ALL reviews touched upon, and the entire community is b****ing about). I can understand simply negating the significance that all of this has on your experience, and "still enjoying the game anyways" (and all the more power to you), but to flat out DENY that there is anything wrong in the first place is denial.
What? No one is denying anything, how can I deny something that I haven't come across? I haven't seen any floating rocks or "flat" water (whatever that means)I haven't seen really many framerate drops, once or twice it happens if I'm ina crowded city or something but it's only for a few seconds until it loads the area. After that the framerate is fine.
I'm sure the game has a few flaws, but I haven't found anything that would suggest the game is a glicth fest. It's been pretty smooth overall and I'm having a blast with it! I'm level 24 right now and just finished the thieves guild and I'm currently in a city (Winterhelm or something) and I'm trying to find a seriel killer who is buthcering women in it, it's pretty scary but awesome because it's so engorssing! I've also killed 5 dragons so far too, but I find guards to help me :P
In short I've put in quite alot of hours so far into Skyrim and I haven't had ANY issues....
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