lol, im not going to lie, the 360 has had a terrible year as far as AAAE, and AAE games. There is no way around it. Luckily, the games industry doesnt revolve around that, as this has been generation for multiplats. How many gens can you remember where we had this many high scoring multiplats?? i cant and ive been gaming for 20yrs. Exclusive games are a great way to separate you from the competition................AT LAUNCH (first year) After that, well all know brand loyalty and "what your friends have" are really what takes over. I know fanboys will not agree because it hurts their arugment, but this is the way it is. So bash 360/PS3 all you want, because karma says you will eat your words soon. PS3 was bashed from 2006 to June 2008 for the same reason 360 is getting bashed now. PS3 owners werent bothered by it, but its obvious COWS took it personal, and are now firing back, and LEMMINGS are getting defensive. its a never ending cycle. When will dpeople wake up and see all the great games they missed on each system because they were busy bashing the system. A game doesnt have to be exclusive to be great..............its truly sad if you live only on exclusives, and are not a true gamer in my book. :)
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