So all I owned before was sony consoles. PS1, PS2, and when next generation hit, I did not see any reason not to go with the PS3. I loved GT and still do. I thought the PS3 has great value and did not even consider an xbox 360. I bought my PS3 in Jan/07 few months after launch, played Resistance, MotorStorm, older PS2 games..etc. I always defended the PS3. I never thought anything but greatness of it, but after over 2 years of owning the system, I honestly can't think of anything that it can offer me personally as I don't watch many movies at all, and all I wanted the system for was to truly play games.
I realized all this after having bought a 360 and owned it for just over a year now (since Feb/08). One of my favorite genres is FPS games and the 360 has the best of them. not only that, but the controller is amazing. I had never thought that it mattered that much, even when xbox 360 fanboys ranted about how great their controller was before I owned the console, but it's true. For FPS games, the 360's controller is amazing. I noticed this when I owned COD4 on both systems. when I jumped from the 360 to the PS3 to play COD4, it was awkward. The reason is simple, the analog sticks on the six axis are too big, too high, and don't curve down on the top to place your finger tightly. the 360's controller enables more precise movement while the six axis enables faster, more sluggish movement. I have about 7 other friends that own both systems and all think the 360's controller is superior for FPS games. I played KillZone 2's demo and I am hating the game because of the controller and therefore will not pick it up for this reason. I want to play it, but I won't enjoy it. (I honestly don't like the control scheme in general as I find it hard to press on R3 to aim down your sight. Changing the scheme made it even worse. Why didn't they make the control scheme like Gears? I don't want to hold L2 for cover constantly! it just isn't comfortable!) Why doesn't Sony listen and make a better controller? offer a second choice for those of us who complain about the controller constantly.
so now, I own all of my FPS games on the 360 and will not buy any ones on the PS3. Also, achievements on the 360 was a brilliant idea by Microsoft. I can't even tell you how many times I've gone back to play the games just to earn achievement. I bought FIFA 09 on the PS3 this year only to play it a few times. it's a great game, but I don't find any logical reason to start a lengthy season when I won't see any trophies for beating it.
Also Sony lied their butt off. KillZone 2, GT5, LBP, and many other games were supposed to be released by March of last year. Look at what we have now. GT5 is no where to be found. KillZone 2 is just being released. I can write a long artice on this.....
bottom line is that I have flipped completely to an xbox 360 fan (not fanboy). I completely see why it's a great and valuable for many gamers. I love Live and don't mind paying for it. the controller is amazing and every game has achievements with it. the games on both consoles are comparable, but Sony will not get my money for many games. Microsoft is not pefect, but it surely is better than Sony...
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