I used to own an xbox 360 until it broke twice... i played halo 1, 2, and 3. i loved it and i miss it, halo is deffinitely the best multiplayer game of all time imo. After i saw this video I think halo reach won't feel like a "****c" halo game. they took out dual wielding which i thought gave the players an increased variety in combining different weapons together. remember the msg and pistol or plasma pistol? they even took out my favorite weapon, the battle rifle and replaced it with a similar weapon, but i think alot of people will be kinda mad about it. falling damage is in... this is halo, where u jump like ur on the moon! i can't beleive they put falling damage in the halo game, it just makes for a more frustrating gameplay. also, health no longer regenerates, which is stupid. if you're in a fire fight with someone, you're gonna take a few bullets no doubt. unless u find a health pack, ur in bad shape for the next fire fight. Last but not least, they added 5 new "perks" so to speak. this will be bad for the game i think. just think about it... the credit system looks kinda cool though... anyway, they should just remake halo 2 and call it like halo legend or something and put all the good weapons in it from halo 1 2 and 3 with all the good levels and updated graphics.
i love halo, but i don't think im going to flunk down $450 (the system, game, xbox live) just for halo reach. unless u guys can convince me... as of now im stickin with my ps3 and waiting for black ops.
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