They took out dual wielding because there was no point. They'd balance it, and find that people either never used it, or it was never actually better than a single gun anyways. Two maulers in Halo 3 is just as good as one mauler because Bungie couldn't just go and make dual wielding the most overpowered thing in the game, but there was no point in using dual maulers because it was better to have a mauler and a different gun. Same story for all the combos you could have.
The battle rifle was replaced with the DMR which dealt with the issue of bullet spray. If you didn't notice all weapons with zoom will become increasingly less accurate each time you fire them. The reticle goes back to it's original size after not firing for a second or two. Basically this fixes the fights where someone can use a battle rifle, and not 4 shot someone with headshots because one or two of the three burt fire bullets didn't hit the targets head which trust me if you played a lot of Halo you've experienced that, and it's frustrating. The DMR makes sure that if you have good accuracy you will hit the targets head with all your shots, and it's not left up to some random chance that you might not kill them in the necessary amount of shots.
Fall damage was in the original Halo. They're putting it back. Nothing wrong here.
Same goes with health. It's now back to the original Halo CE state where it was a shield regen, and you needed health packs. Much better that way.
I'm sure you're talking about the loadouts when you say perks, and all of them are cool. It adds more variety to Halo Reach, and should not be a complaint from anyone. Especially when Bungie is known to balance their games. None of the perks gave any advantage over the others from my experience in the beta.
Sounds to me, OP, that you didn't even play the beta, and you're just making assumptions here on how Halo Reach will be based on a youtube video? :?I'd suggest not doing that in the future.
Good post, and agree.
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